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Author Topic: Picture of TPiR's new showcase podiums  (Read 77287 times)


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« Reply #180 on: September 06, 2009, 11:08:06 PM »
[quote name=\'rwalker\' post=\'225183\' date=\'Sep 6 2009, 07:54 PM\'][quote name=\'chad1m\' post=\'225181\' date=\'Sep 6 2009, 10:42 PM\']The most recent info I can find on it is as of May 2009.

Judge Denies Deposition of CBS CEO in Former 'The Price is Right' Screener Lawsuit

So, Chen the robot was invoked in this? Moonves is her husband. Jesus. Next thing you know, they'll have Barker in bed with Chen on Big Brother.[/quote]
She was not mentioned by name in the article so we can't assume that she was.


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« Reply #181 on: September 06, 2009, 11:19:55 PM »
Thanks for looking that up, Chad. So the case was ongoing as of 5/8/09.

Here ya go:

- Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Malcom Mackey dismissed the case against Bob Barker on August 6, 2008

- Judge Malcom Mackey determined that Curling was employed by CBS and not by Bob Barker

But wait! There's more!

The only remaining claim against Barker from the suit, which Curling filed in 2007, is an allegation that he created a hostile work environment, and that is expected to be dismissed as well

Judge Mackey has also dismissed several claims against Fremantle Media.

Judge Mackey will allow Curling's attorney, Nick Alden, to attempt to prove Barker inflicted emotional distress and to argue some of the charges against Fremantle Media should be included in the suit.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2009, 11:33:00 PM by chris319 »

Steve Gavazzi

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« Reply #182 on: September 06, 2009, 11:38:15 PM »
[quote name=\'chris319\' post=\'225179\' date=\'Sep 6 2009, 10:33 PM\']
three uncensored curses in two days don't pave a road for "a pattern of excessive and gratuitous use of foul language"? I'm not trying to play backseat moderator, don't get me wrong, I just don't think that language is necessary as part of the board experience.
Chad, now that you've registered your displeasure with such language, perhaps the offending parties will take your displeasure to heart and alter their choice of words, making any action by me or Matt unnecessary. We'll see.[/quote]
Mr. Mosher might also note that said party has done this in one thread in six years.


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« Reply #183 on: September 06, 2009, 11:55:53 PM »
Interesting stuff Chad. Shed light on some of my opinions, but mileage does vary around here.

Another notion that popped into my head this evening: it's hard to doubt Drew's the catalyst for some of the changes on the show, but it also seems clear to me he's not doing it to buck tradition. He came in as an outsider, and from that point of view, made changes based on his own observations during year 1. There look to be a few mea culpas on the way this next season anyway. Rich Dipirro's directing kept me watching through their rough growing period late last year.

Game Show Forum Muckety-Muck


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« Reply #184 on: September 06, 2009, 11:56:26 PM »
[quote name=\'Steve Gavazzi\' post=\'225188\' date=\'Sep 6 2009, 10:38 PM\']Mr. Mosher might also note that said party has done this in one thread in six years.[/quote]

Noting that, I suggest board members mark their calendars for December 13, 2012, when I will be proudly presenting Mike Pries' Expletives-a-Go-Go.

/might even use it as an adverb
"Speed: it made Sandra Bullock a household name, and costs me over ten thousand a week."

--Shawn Micallef, Talkin' 'bout Your Generation


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« Reply #185 on: September 07, 2009, 12:32:01 AM »
I read this article linked on pg21 here about Bart Eskander not being fired and just wanted to point out that whoever posted that is a sucker.  "A public apology" is not needed, someone is just trying to do damage control.  Is this a new article?


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« Reply #186 on: September 07, 2009, 12:36:50 AM »
it's hard to doubt Drew's the catalyst for some of the changes on the show, but it also seems clear to me he's not doing it to buck tradition. He came in as an outsider, and from that point of view, made changes based on his own observations during year 1.
I've worked with a few game show emcees over 30 years and I can tell you what an emcee is supposed to and not supposed to do.

A game show emcee should learn the format, language and rules of the show and have them all down rock-solid. He should be consistent in his performances. He should project enthusiasm. He should know how to build anticipation and suspense. He should approach the show as if it were live. He should treat the production staff and crew with dignity and respect. He should treat all contestants with dignity and cordiality.

In my opinion an emcee is not supposed to come in as an arrogant, imperious prima donna and refashion the format to his concept of what the show should be. He does not own the show and does not produce the show*. He does not usurp the producers. He does not try to make a game show into a comedy show. He does not make personnel changes. He does not treat the show as a mere stepping stone to a bigger and better network deal. He should not telegraph his mood du jour to the audience. He should not be overpaid by a factor of three or four.

All of this is just my humble opinion. If anyone else who has worked with emcees has a different idea I'll be happy to discuss it with you.

The ratings erosion of TPIR speaks for itself.

*With the exceptions of Monty Hall, Jack Barry, Chuck Barris, Jan Murray, etc.


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« Reply #187 on: September 07, 2009, 02:49:05 AM »
A game show emcee should learn the format, language and rules of the show and have them all down rock-solid. He should be consistent in his performances.
Definitely. Drew should do a better job of knowing the rules of the games by heart. If that means more rehearsal time and less Second Life time, so be it.

He should project enthusiasm. He should know how to build anticipation and suspense.
But if that's not your style, you're probably better off not doing it, else you'll come across as trying too hard. The fact that Barker made a name for himself with his ridiculous, melodramatic build-ups probably would make any successor nervous about not appearing to ape him.

He should approach the show as if it were live.
If you know that not only major disasters, but minor flubs will be left on the cutting room floor, wouldn't you start to adapt to that way of thinking rather than forcing the production to adapt to you? Wouldn't that just lead to more choppy edits?

He should treat the production staff and crew with dignity and respect.

He should treat all contestants with dignity and cordiality.
But don't be stiff or formal about it. A little teasing never killed anyone.

In my opinion an emcee is not supposed to come in as an arrogant, imperious prima donna and refashion the format to his concept of what the show should be.
So he shouldn't have any opinion at all? His name is attached to the show just as much as the producer's or director's. In fact, I'd say even MORE so. People knew Bob Barker hosted Price is Right, but how many knew it was a Goodson-Todman Production? I can see why Drew (or ANY incoming host) would want some creative input, and I can see why CBS would value it. If he has an idea that he believes could improve the show, I don't see why you should immediately disqualify it, just because he's not the originator.

He does not own the show and does not produce the show*. He does not usurp the producers. He does not try to make a game show into a comedy show. He does not make personnel changes.
...unless he was brought in to host and produce. Initially, I was reluctant to believe that Drew had the kind of pull some were suggesting. Now, I'm of the mind that CBS wanted a new, fresh set of eyes looking at the show, possibly for the first time in years. Someone who saw the show for what it was, rather than what it believed itself to be. And there's a difference between making a game show into a comedy show and adding more comedy to the existing game. I'd expect it. Hell, I'd probably demand it from a comedian.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 03:19:59 AM by CarShark »


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« Reply #188 on: September 07, 2009, 03:13:27 AM »
He does not treat the show as a mere stepping stone to a bigger and better network deal.
First off, what makes you think he's treating it only like a stepping stone, and not a proper project? Second, CBS and Drew have come to a deal that makes them both happy. CBS gets their big name host and the ability to tie any future Carey primetime CBS success back to TPIR and vice versa. Drew gets a job and a fast track for future projects in a fairly unforgiving climate. It may seem cold or mercenary to you, but to me it sounds like a good opportunity for both.

He should not telegraph his mood du jour to the audience.
Why? Because hosts haven't done that in the past? Big deal. Who says a host HAS to be ever unchanging? Unmoved? How do you avoid veering off into the unfeeling, or even unhuman? Sometimes, I think Barker was downright robotic in how he effortlessly returned to center from either a win or a loss. Made me think he didn't really care either way. What makes sincerity in a host bad? What makes plasticity and predictability good?

He should not be overpaid by a factor of three or four.
If the salary represented just a host, sure. But a host, producer and future producer?

All of this is just my humble opinion. If anyone else who has worked with emcees has a different idea I'll be happy to discuss it with you.
And since you know most of the participants of this thread haven't, why shouldn't I read this a passive-aggressive way of quieting your future critics, effectively ending the conversation before it even starts?

The ratings erosion of TPIR speaks for itself.
Not really. You and others who hate Drew with such a passion have NEVER been able to conclusively prove that it's his presence causing the ratings dive, as opposed to the absence of Barker. How do you measure the effect of Barker making sure that his star was the only one that shined for years? From banning Rod from being shown on camera, to the seemingly never-ending flurry of "lovely" models leaving under questionable terms. After years of being the only constant, how can you so easily dismiss the negative effect of his not being on the show?

[quote name=\'chris319\' post=\'225195\' date=\'Sep 7 2009, 12:36 AM\']I've worked with a few game show emcees over 30 years and I can tell you what an emcee is supposed to and not supposed to do.[/quote]Your whole approach sounds as if hosting is a completely static exercise. In a vacuum, untouched by changes in society. Without a doubt, some parts of the craft remain the same, but some of the statements you've made above leave me questioning whether you're really displaying wisdom...or just showing your age.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 03:14:41 AM by CarShark »


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« Reply #189 on: September 07, 2009, 03:17:08 AM »
So he shouldn't have any opinion at all? His name is attached to the show just as much as the producer's or director's. In fact, I'd say even MORE so. People knew Bob Barker hosted Price is Right, but how many knew it was a Goodson-Todman Production? I can see why Drew (or ANY incoming host) would want some creative input, and I can see why CBS would value it. If he has an idea that he believes could improve the show, I don't see why you should immediately disqualify it, just because he's not the originator.
You miss the point. Throughout decades of radio and TV game/quiz shows, an emcee's job is to personify the producer's vision; otherwise the producer is justified in finding another emcee. You don't bring in Joe Garagiola to take over TTTT from Garry Moore only to have Garagiola demand changes to the format and try to reshape the show. Why should Drew Carey be any different? He had pity little experience with game shows and was largely unfamiliar with TPIR when he took the job. He didn't even have to audition. In my opinion the only reason he has the job is because CBS shoved him down Fremantle's throat. With such skimpy game show credentials, why should he be treated like royalty?

...unless he was brought in to host and produce. Initially, I was reluctant to believe that Drew had the kind of pull some were suggesting. Now, I'm of the mind that CBS wanted a new, fresh set of eyes looking at the show
Are you kidding? Read what I said about his lack of game show credentials. Now look at how the ratings have slid opposite The View. Does that look like a formula for success to you?

Others have theorized that Drew is there because of his connections in the CBS executive wing. Take that for what you will.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 03:18:49 AM by chris319 »


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« Reply #190 on: September 07, 2009, 03:25:44 AM »
[quote name=\'chris319\' post=\'225203\' date=\'Sep 7 2009, 03:17 AM\']You miss the point. Throughout decades of radio and TV game/quiz shows, an emcee's job is to personify the producer's vision; otherwise the producer is justified in finding another emcee.[/quote]But again, what if he was brought in to do both? To come up with AND personify his own vision?

Why should Drew Carey be any different?
Again, what makes you think they were looking for someone with a lot of traditional game show experience? Maybe they looked at a more varied, less prejudiced experience as a positive. You keep coming back to this because you're thinking too narrowly.

Are you kidding? Read what I said about his lack of game show credentials. Now look at how the ratings have slid opposite The View. Does that look like a formula for success to you?
Again, you're conveniently forgetting the subtraction of the long-time host, who made himself the most and largely only visible part of the show.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 03:27:52 AM by CarShark »


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« Reply #191 on: September 07, 2009, 03:29:35 AM »
Some people like Drew Carey. Some people don't like Drew Carey.

There. Can we all try to come up with something resembling a truce? This is getting beyond ridiculous.
-Joe Raygor


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« Reply #192 on: September 07, 2009, 04:09:09 AM »
[quote name=\'J.R.\' post=\'225206\' date=\'Sep 7 2009, 12:29 AM\']Some people like Drew Carey. Some people don't like Drew Carey.[/quote]
I like tater tots.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
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« Reply #193 on: September 07, 2009, 05:25:55 AM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'225209\' date=\'Sep 7 2009, 01:09 AM\'][quote name=\'J.R.\' post=\'225206\' date=\'Sep 7 2009, 12:29 AM\']Some people like Drew Carey. Some people don't like Drew Carey.[/quote]
I like tater tots.[/quote]
I just got up and had to take some Pepto Bismol in a hurry so I don't much feel like discussing Tater Tots at the moment. :-(

Back on topic: to his credit, Tom Kennedy didn't want to change the format of our show when he took over, else we would have gotten someone else.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 05:28:37 AM by chris319 »

Terry K

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« Reply #194 on: September 07, 2009, 07:29:04 AM »
First of all, In the TK nighttime run, it HAD to be kept similar to the daytime show.  There was an expectation of what TPIR was to be at night.  This was the era where even Wheel of Fortune was a very similar format (just jacked up $ amounts) to the daytime show.  Same sets, etc...

TNPIR '94 was a different story.  Different format, different feel to the show.  It tanked.  CBS is treading a thin line here between taking the TPIR we all knew and loved down the toilet or trying to evolve.  They've opted to evolve which has eased us into the changes.  This is Drew's 3rd (yes 3rd) season.  He's getting better, no question about that.  

We have to face facts here.  Barker *left the show* and it has to change.  

Bring in a new host, some things WILL change, in variably.  

Do we hear whining about the shopping rounds going away at WOF?  

Or Jeopardy! doubling the dollars?  

Did we hear whining when Whammy! debuted and it had a different format than what we were all used to?  

This is 2009, and times change.  Frankly, I actually LIKE alot of the changes made on TPIR since Drew came in.  Its made the show fun to watch again.

Don't think the changes were solely Drew's.  I don't think they are.  CBS wanted for a long time to change things on TPIR, but Barker put the 'no' in innovation.  Not to say every change has been good, some I am not crazy about, but hey, if it keeps TPIR going, I'm all for it.  

As for the ratings drop...Do note soaps are going away, we've lost Passions and Guiding Light in the last couple years with NON Soap replacements.  And CBS has enough faith in game shows to put LMAD back on the air.  That should tell you a LOT about the direction they're heading in.  

To sum it up, its not realistic to expect Drew Carey to be Bob Barker or do Bob Barker's show.  He has to take TPIR and make it his.  Its that simple.  He's doing that, and CBS is smart enough to let him.  For that I'm glad.