[quote name=\'dazztardly\' post=\'225236\' date=\'Sep 7 2009, 02:22 PM\'][quote name=\'pentellit\' post=\'225235\' date=\'Sep 7 2009, 01:10 PM\']You all keep assuming that it's Drew making all these changes and it's
not. It's FREMANTLE. With a heavy dose of CBS thrown in.
Everyone seems to forget that Barker's TPIR ratings had been declining for years, UNTIL that is, his "retirement" announcement. After that Barker got ratings like he hadn't seen
in ages! For years Price had essentially become a cracker factory, cranking out the same old same old, and it was as stale as yesterdays toast. (Not to mention that Barker had restructured it to become the "All About Bob Show", with anonymous models and invisible announcers, and in doing so Price had lost that TPIR Family Fun appeal that audience, and more importantly, sponsors loved).
etc.Don't even bore me with ratings and "The View", because it's
cable that's KILLING network. (You know what they say in The Biz; "Network TV, television for people who can't afford Cable."). Price's ratings had been declining for years, in spite of it being in CBS's Golden Hour, meaning you could put a chimpanzee in there to host whatever and it was a win/win situation.
etc.Drew Carey is a nice guy, a comedian who, in the simplest terms, loves performing, loves making people laugh and loves giving stuff away. I have met him, and I know people who worked for him, and they all
love him. I don't believe Drew knew when he started Price what a s*** storm it had become with the politics, the lawsuits and the unpleasant mess and set that Barker left behind.
It is my understanding that now Drew is simply doing what Drew likes best, trying to give a good show, and he is not at all interested in the politics of firing people, or in destroying a television mainstay.[/quote]
I can absolutely vouch for you 110%. The work enviroment has become much more tolerable, for that crew. I respect Drew.
Lemme also put emphasis in that when I get a chance to watch the show, I enjoy it just as much as I ever did in the past. No matter what argument one could possibly give, that reason alone makes Drew fine in my book, because TPIR with Drew=as enjoyable as TPIR with Bob=>Drew equal to Bob (not even taking into account their backstage mannerisms, which I made clear before which side I'm totally in favor for, and I would think should be a no-brainer here, as none of the current models have complained about being assaulted by both the host's big and little heads, for a change, hmmmm?)
In short: ED=EB=>D=B
I will now let Mr. Klauss explain the theory behind this statement and give you the proof via induction, because I do enough of that on a daily basis and his big head could use the workout...