[quote name=\'MyronMMeyer\' post=\'224170\' date=\'Aug 26 2009, 12:41 PM\'][quote name=\'Nik B\' post=\'224156\' date=\'Aug 26 2009, 09:34 AM\'][quote name=\'BrentW\' post=\'224094\' date=\'Aug 25 2009, 04:52 PM\']Is that Nik Donaddio (spelling eludes me)? If so, he was a great contestant! He was so funny and cute -- I loved Regis chiding him about going to Central Park. LOL!
PS: Matt, when will Part 6 be up? That's the one we all want to read! You spoiled us putting one up each day up until the day of your show. :-)[/quote]
Yes, it is me. Thank you very much for your kind comments, Brent and DN4.

That was by far the most nerve-wracking experience of my life. The only coping mechanism I could come up with was that back in college, I was an All-American sprinter and I remembered how nervous I was once I got to the NCAA and other big meets, and how I ran very well despite the pressure. Maybe if I have some more free time I will write up a similar thread to this one.
Hey Nik, how did you get on the show? Was it an audition, the phone game or what?
Just wondering is all.
I qualified through the phone game. I think the first time I tried it, I got 3 out of 5 (well, more accurately, 4) right. It had been awhile since I tried to qualify back when I was in college, and I wasn't really prepared. The second night I had a piece of paper all prepared and I got all 5 correct, much to my surprise. I only remember the last question, which was something like (paraphrased):
Put these World Capitals in order from Southernmost to Northernmost:
1. Stockholm
2. Oslo
3. Moscow
4. Reykjavik
The difference in difficulty because Questions 1-4 and that question seemed like light years to me. I'm not even quite sure of the order I guessed, to be honest. I think 3-1-2-4.