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Author Topic: Card Sharks - the big card game!  (Read 5362 times)

Sonic Whammy

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Card Sharks - the big card game!
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2009, 09:22:21 PM »
Geez... I remember when I asked this question eons ago on the old alt-tv boards. But hey, this shows how good a question it is. I love spanning the test of time.

Anyway, I'll put my old two cents back in here. For all the changes that the Money Cards went through, I can do with or without the car. It's nice to have, but not a requirement. As for the Money Cards themselves, my thoughts on the Push rule have changed over the years.

My original thought: A push is allowed on any card EXCEPT a 2 or Ace. This way, there is always a risk.
My current thought: A push is allowed on the first two rows. On the Big Bet, however, no push allowed, it's win or lose.

For me, that puts more drama in the BIG bet. Yeah, I know, it would suck big time if someone clears the board on the first two rows, has the 2 or Ace on the Big Bet, and gets the double to end all doubles. But like I said, you want drama in the Big Bet? There it is.
Brian Sapinski

Just Brian Sapinski... for now