[quote name=\'MrBuddwing\' post=\'228452\' date=\'Oct 13 2009, 01:31 PM\']I semi-vividly recall "You're Putting Me On," hosted first by Bill Leyden, then Larry Blyden (who was a previous panelist), but it's apparently 100% gone.[/quote]
Well, two things. One, that wasn't a G-T show, it was Bob Stewart. The other, it's not 100% gone. At least the pilot exists, and is available for viewing at the Beverly Hills Museum of Television and Radio. Soap actor Ron Husmann was the host of the pilot.
We also have an episode guide.[quote name=\'Jimmy Owen\' post=\'228429\' date=\'Oct 13 2009, 07:19 AM\']"Call My Bluff"(the U.S. version) was one I remember watching originally, but haven't seen it since.[/quote]
Two unaired shows exist, though the
expert in such matters says they weren't exactly pilots either.
It continues to appear that
Snap Judgment is the one G-T show (certainly the biggest G-T show) for which absolutely nothing exists.