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Fame Game on $otc

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Jimmy Owen:
What was the significance of the celebrity pictures on the Fame Game board during the Sally Julian days?


--- Quote ---What was the significance of the celebrity pictures on the Fame Game board during the Sally Julian days?
--- End quote ---

Mostly network cross-promotion.  :)

More seriously, I would guess the idea was that since the Fame Game dealt with famous people, that instead of selecting a number or whatever you should select a famous person from the board for your prize (or possible addition to your score).  It also gave the hostess something to do during that round besides turn the sign over, by reading out the names of the celebs.

And I believe that celebs remained on the Fame Game board in the Australian version all the way during the run of that version--and the \"PYL\"-ish random selection never showed up on the Australian version.  (I also assume that the whole bit of having the hostess call out the names and the host give their \"claim to fame\" also originated in the Australian version.)


--- Quote ---Mostly network cross promotion. :)
--- End quote ---

Believe it or not, that WAS the actual reason. During the 1983 and 1984 season, $ale was looking for an identity with the daytime audience of the new decade and loaded the \"Fame Game\" with NBC personalities who were starring on popular shows at that time. This was an ideal way of promoting other NBC shows without bugs and splitscreens (Hear that, NBC?).  One paint job and cash jackpot later, the faces were replaced with numbers.

Of course, I could be wrong about this. Please feel free to clarify.

The Inquisitive One

[quote name=\'TheInquisitiveOne\' date=\'Jun 20 2003, 03:59 PM\'] Of course, I could be wrong about this. Please feel free to clarify.
 There is most definitely a reason why the stars on the Fame Game board included such luminaries as Gary Coleman, Charlotte Rae, and Bob Hope. :)

[quote name=\'uncamark\' date=\'Jun 20 2003, 05:32 PM\']And I believe that celebs remained on the Fame Game board in the Australian version all the way during the run of that version--and the \"PYL\"-ish random selection never showed up on the Australian version.  (I also assume that the whole bit of having the hostess call out the names and the host give their \"claim to fame\" also originated in the Australian version.)
True, true, and true to all dat. That board 'twas always loaded with Nine Network superstars like.... err.... :)


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