[quote name=\'rollercoaster87\' date=\'Oct 31 2009, 02:20 PM\']Unless they use a wider variety of prizes, ditch the Prize Puzzle.I'm not a big fan of someone getting a $5-8K boost in score just because they solved the puzzle- even more so because the puzzle always mentions a hammock, a tropical drink, an ocean, or a foreign food every single time. At the very least, use your friggin Sony backing for something other than showing a full movie preview for the R1 prize.
I liked it when the mystery wedge offered a car. I wouldn't mind seeing that again.
Other than the mystery wedges, the only four digit money spaces are top dollar spaces. I would like to see the $1000, $1500, and $2000 spaces come back.
Inflate the vowel price....although I imagine this would have already been done if contestants actually bought all the vowels right away.[/quote]
So were you actually taking notes during part of that conversation you and I were having the other day?

[quote name=\'tpirfan28\' post=\'229544\' date=\'Oct 31 2009, 11:13 AM\']Ditch two of the tossups...the first and the third. Interview the contestants left to right, play a $2000 tossup for control and start spinning. Might actually get more wheel spinning during the show, and not have round 4 start speedup all the time.
The wheel itself: I'd add a $2500 space in round 3 for wheel balance, bring back the free spin *space* (but you'd still have to call a letter to get it, but the space stays on the wheel all the time).
Prize variety in the bonus round. Yeah, cash is nice, but how about some really glamorous trips? TPIR/LMAD has been offering some really upscale trips recently...why can't Wheel? Bring back the cars too. Keep the million - didn't like it initially, but the chrome is fine.[/quote]
I think I hit on most of those same points in my original rant, but they could've easily gotten lost in the fanboiz moment, heh. Nevertheless, have a newsletter/blog/opinion column I can subscribe to, read weekly, link to whenever? I'd love to hear more.
[quote name=\'brianhenke\' post=\'229526\' date=\'Oct 31 2009, 12:05 AM\']I would like to see more variety in the Prize Puzzles. Let's say a Prize Puzzle is BUILDING A NEW LAWN DECK, and Pat says, "You won a gift card", then Charlie says that the contestant has won a $5,000 gift card from Lowe's.[/quote]
Considering they already have a $1000 gift tag to www.*insert something here*.com or www.*retail giant*.com, if you did that, you might as well bring back shopping and all the Gucci Gift Certificates...
My answer to both? No...
One of umpteen ideas I had to possibly "improve" the prize puzzle idea, and sorta kill two birds with one stone (in making it seem the contestants *might* have to work a little harder to earn the prize, and eliminate the white sandy beaches predictability) was to have it be played in the mystery round with the category not revealed. The category's a mystery, and the puzzle doesn't need to relate to the prize at all, it could just be any puzzle that would fit in any other category they have (or maybe they can use puzzles they, for w/e reason, somehow don't know exactly how to categorize), while expanding upon the R3 "Mystery" theme (which is one of the better ideas, IMHO, the show has had the past few years). It would also somewhat appease a number of people I heard a few years ago saying how they seemed to like the idea of R3 being a sort of "catch-up round" for the show.
YMMV, of course...