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Author Topic: Top Decade for the Genre  (Read 4684 times)


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Top Decade for the Genre
« Reply #15 on: December 27, 2009, 05:12:42 PM »
I'm going with the 70s for many of the forementioned reasons, and I will add the following reasons why the 70's were the best decade:

--  Sets became more colorful with more flashing lights, neon and excitement.  Many of the shows from the 60's still had rather bland sets as color TV was still in it's infancy.

-- More shows and more ideas for games, both good & bad.  Some of those who were working under the Goodson-Todman roof left the nest to become their own production companies, giving us shows and concepts that may not have seen the light of day if Mr. Goodson had the final say so.

-- Syndicated shows were finally getting their foothold in the 70s, thanks to early-evening timeslots returning to the local stations for programming as well as the addition of more independent stations.  All of which made more room for more game shows across the broadcast day.