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Author Topic: The Great Barry-Enright Music Disappearance of '85  (Read 2043 times)


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The Great Barry-Enright Music Disappearance of '85
« on: February 13, 2010, 09:26:50 PM »
Going through my old GSN tapes, I've come across several Cullen TJW's from the '85-'86 season and was reminded of how by this time, it seemed like the B-E shows lost a chunk of their musical cues.  On Joker, they were down to using the Bonus win for the front game, returned to the "Bullseye" music for contestants walking over to face the devil (replacing that alternate tune heard in the last Barry season and Cullen's first), and when someone won a car...the Tic-Tac-Dough bonus win was heard.  

I am not sure, but I think Caldwell TTD only used the TTD Bonus Win cue for the bonus and front games.  

So my question is, what happened, if anything?  Did they lose a tape or tapes somehow perhaps?
« Last Edit: February 13, 2010, 09:27:10 PM by JMFabiano »
I'm a pacifist, and even I would like to see a little more action.


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  • ......and it goes like this!!!
The Great Barry-Enright Music Disappearance of '85
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2010, 10:39:24 PM »
Didn't they switch studios around that time [Production Group > KCOP, I believe]? It's possible they forgot the music tapes at the old studio.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2010, 10:40:33 PM by Chief-O »
This space intentionally left blank, until the part of my brain responsible for humor decides to function again.


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The Great Barry-Enright Music Disappearance of '85
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2010, 09:29:45 AM »
[quote name=\'JMFabiano\' post=\'235858\' date=\'Feb 13 2010, 09:26 PM\']Going through my old GSN tapes, I've come across several Cullen TJW's from the '85-'86 season and was reminded of how by this time, it seemed like the B-E shows lost a chunk of their musical cues.  On Joker, they were down to using the Bonus win for the front game, returned to the "Bullseye" music for contestants walking over to face the devil (replacing that alternate tune heard in the last Barry season and Cullen's first), and when someone won a car...the Tic-Tac-Dough bonus win was heard.  

I am not sure, but I think Caldwell TTD only used the TTD Bonus Win cue for the bonus and front games.  

So my question is, what happened, if anything?  Did they lose a tape or tapes somehow perhaps?[/quote]

Some carts were damaged or worn out from use. Others were simply swapped out, just for updating the shows.

« Last Edit: February 14, 2010, 09:30:27 AM by dazztardly »