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Author Topic: Soft Audiences  (Read 10875 times)


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Soft Audiences
« on: February 22, 2010, 04:56:57 PM »
I was watching a rerun of Family Feud on GSN today.  This particular episode was a Karn episode.  The contestant gave no answer to one of the questions and the audience still clapped as if he gave the #1 answer!

Is this part of the warm-up spiel these days, or were the people in the audience morons as well?
Phil 4:13


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« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2010, 04:59:42 PM »
[quote name=\'Modor\' post=\'236309\' date=\'Feb 22 2010, 04:56 PM\']Is this part of the warm-up spiel these days, or were the people in the audience morons as well?[/quote]
Can't remember who told me this, but the audience is instructed to applaud no matter what. I think Burton was the one who tells them do so...I believe he also told them to cheer for "Doubling/Tripling the Points", although that was (thankfully) dropped during the O'Hurley tenure.

It's stupid as hell. Excessive cheering does not get me excited.
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« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2010, 05:30:22 PM »
Here is something from O'Hurley's second season. The kids playing basketball drowns out some of what Burton says. But you can hear the "Cheer for everything no matter what" speech starting at 1:05 pretty clearly.


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« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2010, 05:44:40 PM »
Because I had the free time to do this over winter break a couple of months ago, I counted the amount of times applause occurred on the 12/30 first-run of the Feud. I counted 90 instances of clapping and wooing in 22 minutes. That means on average, the audience starts applauding every 15 seconds.


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« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2010, 08:39:27 PM »
My hands hurt way more after one 45-minute O'Hurley Feud taping than after the near-90-minute TPiR.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2010, 08:40:07 PM by CJBojangles »


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« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2010, 03:12:12 PM »
I would like to happily add that when I saw Wheel earlier this month, half of our audience was out to lunch (and that's being generous, I'd actually say more like three-quarters) and didn't get the idea that we were to clap.  There were a few of us that did the bulk of the work.


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« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2010, 04:27:02 PM »
[quote name=\'CJBojangles\' post=\'236328\' date=\'Feb 22 2010, 08:39 PM\']My hands hurt way more after one 45-minute O'Hurley Feud taping than after the near-90-minute TPiR.[/quote]

What caused the tapings to run over?


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« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2010, 07:41:44 PM »
When I went to a Feud taping a few years ago, part of Burton's instructions were that if a player got a strike, we were to say "Aw," then applaud lightly to indicate, as Burton put it, "we still love you."

[quote name=\'vtown7\' post=\'236358\' date=\'Feb 23 2010, 04:12 PM\']I would like to happily add that when I saw Wheel earlier this month, half of our audience was out to lunch (and that's being generous, I'd actually say more like three-quarters) and didn't get the idea that we were to clap.  There were a few of us that did the bulk of the work.[/quote]
When I saw a "Jeopardy!" taping session, I was surprised at how little we had to applaud. During the closing, if the cameras weren't pointed at the audience area, the applause would dissipate to silence before they had stopped recording. In fact, for the first taping of the day, upon Alex's introduction, the loud applause -- which sounded like a standard opening ovation to my ears -- caused Alex to remark on-air on how big of a welcome we had just given him.


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« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2010, 10:31:59 AM »
[quote name=\'MSTieScott\' post=\'236373\' date=\'Feb 23 2010, 07:41 PM\']When I went to a Feud taping a few years ago, part of Burton's instructions were that if a player got a strike, we were to say "Aw," then applaud lightly to indicate, as Burton put it, "we still love you."

[quote name=\'vtown7\' post=\'236358\' date=\'Feb 23 2010, 04:12 PM\']I would like to happily add that when I saw Wheel earlier this month, half of our audience was out to lunch (and that's being generous, I'd actually say more like three-quarters) and didn't get the idea that we were to clap.  There were a few of us that did the bulk of the work.[/quote]
When I saw a "Jeopardy!" taping session, I was surprised at how little we had to applaud. During the closing, if the cameras weren't pointed at the audience area, the applause would dissipate to silence before they had stopped recording. In fact, for the first taping of the day, upon Alex's introduction, the loud applause -- which sounded like a standard opening ovation to my ears -- caused Alex to remark on-air on how big of a welcome we had just given him.
Johnny Gilbert always used to advocate the "short, fast television applause" in his warmups - wonder if he still does so on "Jeopardy!"?


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« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2010, 02:25:09 PM »
[quote name=\'davemackey\' post=\'236394\' date=\'Feb 24 2010, 10:31 AM\']Johnny Gilbert always used to advocate the "short, fast television applause" in his warmups - wonder if he still does so on "Jeopardy!"?[/quote]
That I don't know -- he was sick that day, so one of the Clue Crew stood in as temporary announcer, to be replaced by Johnny in post-production.


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« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2010, 09:59:36 PM »
[quote name=\'MSTieScott\' post=\'236373\' date=\'Feb 23 2010, 04:41 PM\']When I went to a Feud taping a few years ago, part of Burton's instructions were that if a player got a strike, we were to say "Aw," then applaud lightly to indicate, as Burton put it, "we still love you."[/quote]Because, after all, it is still a game show. My Nana will turn 91 years old next month, and while a few of her gears have slipped, she's still active in activities and her family life and above all...she's a good person. Even if she says something dumb, we still love her.

I suppose this is the alternative. After Uncle Ned gives an obviously dumb answer, just as the host is about to say "aw, that's ok!" the Inquizitor (in luchador get-up, because remember, we don't get to see his face) runs onstage, powerbombs the host, and orders Uncle Ned to leave the stage for giving such an awful answer.

Does my example exclude the middle ground? Of course. But the show is Family Feud. It is a lighthearted fun game for not a whole lot of prize money. If the producers want to encourage the audience to politely applaud whenever they deem appropriate, well, bully for them.

(That said, I don't think that game shows need to fill every second with chatter, music, applause or other noise. Sometimes silence is just fine.)
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« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2010, 10:56:01 PM »
[quote name=\'PaulD\' post=\'236361\' date=\'Feb 23 2010, 02:27 PM\']What caused the tapings to run over?[/quote]
Price got started late, and there was some sort of delay before the show, and afterwards Rich had a few pickups.

Feud had a stopdown and replacement of a question in the second or third round. Caused a several minute delay and Burton running around the studio stalling by chatting with the crowd and scolding people who weren't giving enough energy. Question something to do with chocolate syrup and body parts or something to that effect, but it was thrown out after the faceoff and the segment was reshot.


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« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2010, 11:17:34 PM »
Feud had a stopdown and replacement of a question in the second or third round [...] Question something to do with chocolate syrup and body parts or something to that effect, but it was thrown out after the faceoff and the segment was reshot.
Was it because nobody buzzed in during the Face-Off? If that was the case, why throw out the segment?

/well, either that or somebody gave an answer the show couldn't put on-air
« Last Edit: February 25, 2014, 08:25:53 AM by Dan88 »
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« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2010, 11:42:58 PM »
[quote name=\'Dan88\' post=\'236438\' date=\'Feb 24 2010, 08:17 PM\']/Well, either that or somebody gave an answer the show couldn't put on-air.[/quote]Given "chocolate syrup" and "body parts," I think this is the winner.

And I for one could not be less surprised to find out that this was actually right.
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« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2010, 03:28:13 AM »
[quote name=\'TLEberle\' post=\'236428\' date=\'Feb 24 2010, 06:59 PM\']I suppose this is the alternative. After Uncle Ned gives an obviously dumb answer, just as the host is about to say "aw, that's ok!" the Inquizitor (in luchador get-up, because remember, we don't get to see his face) runs onstage, powerbombs the host, and orders Uncle Ned to leave the stage for giving such an awful answer.[/quote]
The first time I read this, you had the Inquizitor powerbombing Uncle Ned. I'd watch that show.
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