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Author Topic: Drew's appointment  (Read 21254 times)


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Drew's appointment
« Reply #45 on: March 09, 2010, 11:21:09 PM »
[quote name=\'chris319\' post=\'237225\' date=\'Mar 9 2010, 01:30 PM\']- He doesn't seem to know the games very well and as a result can't explain them clearly.

- He is grossly overpaid for the performance he is delivering.[/quote]I don't give a damn what somebody earns, because everyone is paid what someone thinks that they are worth. But if you have "keep it or spin again" or the Switcheroo thing, and the one-bid rules that the lawyers make him say...it isn't working.

[quote name=\'fostergray82\' post=\'237227\' date=\'Mar 9 2010, 02:36 PM\']Drew is a comedian, plain and simple.[/quote]And part of what I like about him is his everyman appeal. When did you see Bob dance with the contestant as the Cliff Hangers music played and Hans was plotting a career change? Or Bob celebrating with the contestant after a big win? (usually, he was the one running away...) His contestant interactions are not the problem, it is that he seems to be treating the job like it doesn't matter, because what can they do? Fire him? Deprive him of another umpteen million dollars so he can buy another soccer team? TPIR may not be Sarious Business, but the job should not be taken as a joke.

[quote name=\'Modor\' post=\'237235\' date=\'Mar 9 2010, 04:10 PM\']So, what's the problem?[/quote]If companies notice his propensity to knock the products, they will be less likely to provide anything. They'll say "fine, spend your own money to buy the PEZ heads or Geritol Horse Pill Tabs, we won't have any part of it."
If you didn’t create it, it isn’t your content.


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Drew's appointment
« Reply #46 on: March 09, 2010, 11:23:49 PM »
[quote name=\'dale_grass\' post=\'237258\' date=\'Mar 9 2010, 10:13 PM\'][quote name=\'Modor\' post=\'237248\' date=\'Mar 9 2010, 08:58 PM\'][quote name=\'Dan88\']but only Deal or No Deal seems to work with some comedy added.[/quote]
I disagree.
The subliminal Cover Up scalawag has struck again, though the hidden message this time is far more disturbing.
I like it, but the scalawag coulda used the correct font.  :)
"When you see the crawl at the end of the show you will see a group of talented people who will all be moving over to other shows...the cameramen aren't are on that list, but they're not talented people."  John Davidson, TIME MACHINE (4/26/85)


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Drew's appointment
« Reply #47 on: March 09, 2010, 11:34:13 PM »
[quote name=\'chris319\' post=\'237217\' date=\'Mar 9 2010, 02:32 PM\']Tell me what you want to put into it and we'll do it.[/quote]

I think the question "are you satisfied with Drew Carey's performance on The Price is Right?" would cover it succinctly. Maybe while we're at it, ask "are you satisfied with the production on TPIR (i.e. everything aside from Drew)?" But I appreciate either or both being put to the masses here.

Game Show Forum Muckety-Muck


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Drew's appointment
« Reply #48 on: March 10, 2010, 03:37:08 AM »
[quote name=\'TLEberle\' post=\'237259\' date=\'Mar 9 2010, 10:21 PM\'][quote name=\'fostergray82\' post=\'237227\' date=\'Mar 9 2010, 02:36 PM\']Drew is a comedian, plain and simple.[/quote]And part of what I like about him is his everyman appeal. When did you see Bob dance with the contestant as the Cliff Hangers music played and Hans was plotting a career change? Or Bob celebrating with the contestant after a big win? (usually, he was the one running away...) His contestant interactions are not the problem, it is that he seems to be treating the job like it doesn't matter, because what can they do? Fire him? Deprive him of another umpteen million dollars so he can buy another soccer team? TPIR may not be Sarious Business, but the job should not be taken as a joke.

That is what I think is one of the best parts of Drew hosting (part about the everyman appeal). I normally watch the show every morning before I leave for class so I'm going to try to post as an average watcher rather than as a huge fan and say what I think of him and the show.
Drew-He was not the best host in his first year, but he has made great progress. I do not nit pick every little thing he does, but simply look at the big picture. I do think there are days where he's off, but Bob had good and bad days also. However, I do think he hosts with the attitude of, "I'm going to host how I want and if you don't like it, too bad" which could be a turn off some days. One person mentioned how there was a winner next to the guy who overbid the Porsche and Drew shouldn't have focused all of his attention to him. Yes, the guy did win and should have been celebrated for his win, but how could you not feel sorry for the guy and not want to console him? Even the guy that won wanted to give him a hug and you could hear how upset the crowd was after reading the price. I think that is one good quality is he goes with the flow sometimes rather than try all the time to be a regulator or play which is good to have a balance.

The prizes- Ok, I get that making fun of the prizes does not make it attractive for suppliers to give their products to the show, but if that's a problem, make the prizes more attractive and less likely to be made fun of. I mean come on, WTF am I going to do with a cotton candy machine or a teapot shaped clock? Don't tell me you haven't seen an episode where they introduce a cheap or useless prize (like designer women's clothes/accessories) to a (male) contestant and you can see the look in the contestant's face of "I don't want this, but I'll try to clap anyway." Make it something a contestant would dream of or need and it'll be a great prize. You can't go wrong with cars and cash and don't give me the "the variety has to be constantly mixed up" because I still haven't grown tired of playing the lottery and I'll always enter a contest for a car.

Ratings- Whoever their marketing dept is needs to be fired and replaced. Usually when I talk to my peers about the show, I normally get a "that show is still on?" response. I think part of the ratings issue is that not many people know the show is still on the air and could use some publicity like a Million Dollar Spectacular to generate buzz. I think some of the problem is that more people aren't watching as much daytime TV like they used to. I do think there are a lot of people that dropped off simply because it doesn't have Bob anymore, but there's nothing that can be done about it.

Overall, speaking as an average viewer, I think the show and host are fine. There should be some adjustments, but the overall machine isn't broken. I think the biggest thing that could help the show are bringing buzz back by bringing back some MDS to primetime to make people aware of the show.


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Drew's appointment
« Reply #49 on: March 10, 2010, 06:58:38 AM »
[quote name=\'SRIV94\' post=\'237260\' date=\'Mar 10 2010, 12:23 AM\']I like it, but the scalawag coulda used the correct font.  :)[/quote]
Mea culpa.  400+ fonts on my system and I couldn't find a match (it looks like the offspring of Futura and Univers), so I used Univers.  I should have known better than to try to slip one by the [color=\"#000080\"]Forum[/color].   ;)


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Drew's appointment
« Reply #50 on: March 10, 2010, 10:13:38 AM »
[quote name=\'dale_grass\' post=\'237270\' date=\'Mar 10 2010, 05:58 AM\'][quote name=\'SRIV94\' post=\'237260\' date=\'Mar 10 2010, 12:23 AM\']I like it, but the scalawag coulda used the correct font.  :)[/quote]
Mea culpa.  400+ fonts on my system and I couldn't find a match (it looks like the offspring of Futura and Univers), so I used Univers.  I should have known better than to try to slip one by the [color=\"#000080\"]Forum[/color].   ;)
It's actually ITC Avant Garde Gothic Bold.

Not to be confused with Woolery's rock group.  :)
"When you see the crawl at the end of the show you will see a group of talented people who will all be moving over to other shows...the cameramen aren't are on that list, but they're not talented people."  John Davidson, TIME MACHINE (4/26/85)


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Drew's appointment
« Reply #51 on: March 10, 2010, 12:04:22 PM »
[quote name=\'ten96lt\' post=\'237268\' date=\'Mar 10 2010, 04:37 AM\']You can't go wrong with cars and cash and don't give me the "the variety has to be constantly mixed up" because I still haven't grown tired of playing the lottery and I'll always enter a contest for a car.[/quote]

The current crew would likely not want that for fear of people getting to know the prices again. Beyond that, I don't think the audience would have patience for the repetition. Sure contestants seem to like cash and cars the most, but if those two things were on all the time, then the impact of them would be gone. If coming on stage meant guaranteed cash or a new car, the contestant would be happy...but at home I'm actually changing the channel.

Each show being so different is probably the main reason Price has stuck around so long. Doing anything to make it more routine is not good. In the half hour days, the prizes tended to be more "practical." As soon as they doubled the slots prizes had to fill, the baker's racks and popcorn carts of the world had to come in.

Drew was touting "prize meetings" on his blog and all the wacky new ideas to eschew what he thought were less-than-desirable prizes (grandfather clocks being his #1 crusade, it seems). But it gave us a $10,000+ treehouse, a $6,000 toilet, and wall-to-wall flat screen TVs. Everybody's idea of what's cool to give away is going to be different. Why deny the people who actually could use a new room of furniture by making all the prizes the same?

Game Show Forum Muckety-Muck


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Drew's appointment
« Reply #52 on: March 10, 2010, 12:52:36 PM »
But it gave us [...] a $6,000 toilet

I hope it was this one
-- Ted Schuerzinger, now blogging at <a href=\"http://justacineast.blogspot.com/\" target=\"_blank\">http://justacineast.blogspot.com/[/url]

No Fark slashes were harmed in the making of this post


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Drew's appointment
« Reply #53 on: March 10, 2010, 01:34:17 PM »
[quote name=\'ten96lt\' post=\'237268\' date=\'Mar 10 2010, 12:37 AM\']and don't give me the "the variety has to be constantly mixed up" because I still haven't grown tired of playing the lottery and I'll always enter a contest for a car.[/quote]
1) Cash costs money. (Granted, apparently, so do prizes these days. But cash ALWAYS costs money.)

2) You're not playing the lottery for the prize. You're playing the lottery because you are addicted, either to the rush of gambling adrenaline you get when you check your ticket against the drawn numbers, or to the "OMG what if I WON?!" daydreams.

3) There are prizes on the show I would have been quite content with winning that haven't been cash or cars.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Drew's appointment
« Reply #54 on: March 10, 2010, 01:53:33 PM »
[quote name=\'Dan88\' post=\'237169\' date=\'Mar 8 2010, 06:16 PM\'][quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'237159\' date=\'Mar 8 2010, 03:19 PM\']Actually, no, you never did tell us what you meant there, and you're not in a position to be throwing the word "stupid" about.[/quote]
The fact that Drew had never really done a game show before 2007, plus the fact that he refused to audition and the fact that CBS was so insistent on getting somebody who the public would recognize, should have raised a red flag with SOMEBODY.

And I apologize for throwing the word "stupid" about.


A nice correction, because I honestly didn't know what you were getting at and I like to say I am ignorant to the issue rather than stupid.

If it truly is a problem, then it is CBS's problem, if they were that insistent on getting someone that would be easy to recognize.  I think there were probably a few other choices that would fit the bill as well.

I think my main point was Drew just isn't that bad a guy for teh job, certainly not as much as he has been hammered for.  There is certainly going to be some time to have him work through things smoothly.  I mean, you took a guy that hosted the show for over 30 years and replaced him with a newbie so to speak.

For me, I just don't mind Drew at all.  I enjoy the excitement he brings to the show, and the new direction the show has gone.  Sure, some prizes are a little far fetched - but so be it - it is no worse than the Artwork that may be offered that I think is horribly ugly - or the evening gown that would be fairly useless to me.

People do not need to agree with me on Drew - I just wish the masses that don't like him would have given him a fair shake before jumping all over him.

“I’ll give away a Zed.”


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Drew's appointment
« Reply #55 on: March 10, 2010, 01:58:20 PM »
[quote name=\'chris319\' post=\'237225\' date=\'Mar 9 2010, 04:30 PM\']- He is grossly overpaid for the performance he is delivering.

Again, these are merely OPINIONS gleaned from various Internet discussions.[/quote]

Heh, imagine that, someone in Hollywood being grossly overpaid.

“I’ll give away a Zed.”


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Drew's appointment
« Reply #56 on: March 10, 2010, 02:03:27 PM »
[quote name=\'RyanCDN\' post=\'237289\' date=\'Mar 10 2010, 10:53 AM\']I mean, you took a guy that hosted the show for over 30 years and replaced him with a newbie so to speak.[/quote]
Well, but that *is* a problem that all parties involved should not be let off the hook for. It's not like there weren't any qualified candidates with tons of hosting experience out there.
or the evening gown that would be fairly useless to me.
I disagree. I think you'd look fabulous in it. :)
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Drew's appointment
« Reply #57 on: March 10, 2010, 02:56:53 PM »
[quote name=\'RyanCDN\' post=\'237289\' date=\'Mar 10 2010, 01:53 PM\']I mean, you took a guy that hosted the show for over 30 years and replaced him with a newbie so to speak.[/quote]
Ralph Edwards hosted Truth or Consequences on radio/television for 17 years or so and was replaced with a newbie, Bob Barker. Obviously humor styles and entertainment in general today is not comparable to 1956, but I'd be curious to find out how devout fans of Truth or Consequences felt in the first two and a half years after Barker took over.

With this argument I'm not discounting my own personal opinion of Drew's performance which I really can only say is "inconsistent." Sometimes he's good, sometimes he's bad.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2010, 02:58:09 PM by jmangin »


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Drew's appointment
« Reply #58 on: March 10, 2010, 03:08:14 PM »
[quote name=\'SRIV94\' post=\'237275\' date=\'Mar 10 2010, 10:13 AM\']It's actually ITC Avant Garde Gothic Bold.[/quote]
Yesterday, if someone on the street asked me if I had the Avant Garde family, I would have said "probably."  Thanks for the heads up!


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Drew's appointment
« Reply #59 on: March 10, 2010, 03:08:41 PM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'237293\' date=\'Mar 10 2010, 02:03 PM\'][quote name=\'RyanCDN\' post=\'237289\' date=\'Mar 10 2010, 10:53 AM\']I mean, you took a guy that hosted the show for over 30 years and replaced him with a newbie so to speak.[/quote]
Well, but that *is* a problem that all parties involved should not be let off the hook for. It's not like there weren't any qualified candidates with tons of hosting experience out there.

I don't argue this point at all.  Indeed, there were some other highly qualified individuals.

I guess not minding Drew as host, it seems to be a minority thing, or at least it can feel that way amoungst our community, or the gs fan community in general.

“I’ll give away a Zed.”