[quote name=\'Bill Neuweiler\' post=\'237510\' date=\'Mar 13 2010, 03:01 PM\']But Chris brought up a good point as well...contestants are told they're not allowed to game the wheel? Anybody know exactly what the rules for spinning are?[/quote]
When I was on, no one mentioned anything about "gaming the wheel," except that we were told that every spin we took had to be an honest spin (i.e., if the $5000 space is only a few clicks away, you can't just very weakly spin the wheel to get there). If, in Pat's judgment, you did not give the wheel an honest spin, he resets it and gives you another chance. If it happens again during the show, you lose your turn.
In fact, they're really good about making sure people don't game the wheel, anyway. When everyone gets to take their practice spins to get a feel for the wheel, the coordinators grab and stop the wheel before the spin is completed. Initially, I thought it was just to save time, but it's because they don't want people figuring out their spin strength.
The only time spins were actually allowed to complete during the entire process was on the actual show, at which point, it's tough to pay attention to spin strength, anyway...

\maybe I should've tried a little harder...
\\all winnings were when I didn't have to spin the stupid wheel!