Some weird memories of events that stuck in my mind over the years, both from bonus rounds. Both of these were probably during their PAX revivals, although I did watch both shows for a time in 1998.
SHOP 'TIL YOU DROPThere was a bonus round in which the running contestant hit the bell at such angles that the podium it was on rocked/wobbled noticeably. The round ended with the contestant hitting the bell, only to have the podium fall over and the bell crash on the floor (speed + angle = oops). I remember this because during the credits, Dee sat on the floor and "sobbingly" pressed the bell a few times (which amusingly still lit up and made the sound).
[I'm pretty certain this wasn't the only time this happened, but it's the only one that stuck in my head. I want to say that Dee was dressed in a safari outfit, but I'm not sure.]SUPERMARKET SWEEPThere was a bonus round where the team grabbed the $5,000 (after finding the second and third clues) and started celebrating and running toward Ruprecht; only problem was, the sirens weren't blaring and David wasn't smiling. David then went through the (rather unenviable) task of having to both calm the team down and explain that they had in fact lost -- they had grabbed the $5,000 about half a second after time ran out.
[Like the STYD incident, I'm pretty certain this happened more than once. I'm pretty certain the team in this case was two women.]Somebody
please tell me my mind isn't playing tricks on me, and (if not) whether I can find these incidents online. Thanks.