I have come across this article (written by an Ellis Walker of "The Daily Review" in Hayward, CA), who expresses his doubts about the longevity of "The Price Is Right" format. The article came out only 3 days after the very first episode aired. How wrong could this guy be with his predictions??!!
Interesting read - gives some insights into the format of the original format of the show, right at the start of its run.
Taken from "The Daily Review" (Hayward, CA), Thursday, 29th November, 1956, p.25
"Video Notes" by Ellis Walker.
Credit for supreme optimism goes to Bill Cullen.
He started out his new TV quiz duties on “The Price Is Right"
this week by announcing that “a skillful contestant might be on
the show for months."
Such a statement is predicated on the assumption that the show
itself will be on for months.
So. I repeat; Cullen should be credited with a lot of optimism.
"The Price Is Right" (KRON, 2:30 p.m. Mon. through Thurs.)
features a panel of four "bargain hunters" who bid for refrigerators,
Fashion ensembles, Carribean cruises, pedigreed collies, sets of
dishes, portable TV sets and assorted items that any quiz show
worth its emcee wouldn't be caught without.
Cullen seems to have concocted a kind of “amateur night at the
merchandise mart" affair.
Using play money, of course, the panelists keep bidding until
they think the actual retail price of the item has been approached.
Winner of each round is the one whose bid comes closest under the
listed price.
The show is merely another elaborate excuse for manufacturers
to obtain free advertising time by donating the items to be given
away. Cullen even had to spiel a big pitch for the outfit making the
tote machines on which the bids are registered. That was in case
any race track operators might he watching.
Only suggestion I can make to Cullen involves his system of
revealing the "secret retail prices" contained in sealed envelopes
delivered by a pretty model, Beverly.
Wouldn't it be more exciting to have a bank vice president and
two armed guards accompany Beverly when she brings in the
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