[quote name=\'JakeT\' post=\'243080\' date=\'Jun 26 2010, 10:15 AM\'][quote name=\'fostergray82\' post=\'243076\' date=\'Jun 26 2010, 08:05 AM\']Something hit me last nite in regards to the different set...
<snippity snip>
BTW, should the show get the go-ahead and they still don't use pyramid shapes, BFD. People are making too much of a fuss over the aspects that have no effect on the gameplay. With the exception of a fairly strategic addition, it's Classic Pyramid (read: not the 1996-97 pilots), and folks are still complaining.[/quote]
Just for clarification, I just happen to personally prefer my panties to be all in a bunch so that my junk thinks it is getting a constant embrace...that being said...
I really don't have any major issues regarding the set design and such...however, since the original creator/producer of this particular format did make a point to utilize a very specific geometric figure/structure as the focus and/or centerpiece of the game, it just seems odd to me that the people producing the upcoming version would choose not to include a clearly iconic part of the game.
And maybe I'm stupid, but if you don't use pyramid shapes, why the hell call it "PYRAMID"

The title never made any reference to any aspect of the game play...well, that is, except for the end game being played on a giant PYRAMID-shaped game board. I mean, if you forego the pyramid shapes and such, why not just call it "THE $25,000 YEAST INFECTION" or something else that might assist in snagging a major sponsor to help defray costs...
Well, since we're getting all technical on shapes and whatnot, should "Classic Pyramid" (1973-92) technically be called "The $(X)XX,000 TRAPEZOID"? After all, a pyramid is a 3-dimensional triangle, a triangle having three sides. But all the Pyramid logos and set designs allude to more of a trapezoidal shape, which has four sides.
/Getting a "Professor Wilson Renfrew from the Richard Pryor movie Bustin' Loose" flashback: "A pyramid is derived from the triangle, which has three sides. BUT DEE TRAPAZAWID HAS FOUR SIDES, and it is that fourth side, that makes it JEE-O-METRIC-LEE AND MA-THE-MA-TIC-LEE THEE EN-RICH-MUNT for all profits which you can make here."
Sorry everyone, I got a little carried away in the whole shapes argument. Then again, maybe Jim Ryan knew what he was doing when he made the Pyramid set trapezoidal.