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Author Topic: Are the GSN boards worthwhile?  (Read 30299 times)


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Are the GSN boards worthwhile?
« Reply #15 on: November 20, 2003, 06:52:00 PM »
Chris, if you got got a penny for every time you corrected some sniveling brat at the GSN Boards, you'd be a multi-millionaire before Midnight !

Though I belong to some Message Boards that are even more inmature and caustic that GSN's (Though I won't mention them because they don't involve Game Shows)

Though I'm curious: Who is the youngest person here ? I'm 18, but I'll be 19 in less that two months (Mark your calendars !)

If it makes anyone feel better, the Video Game board has less than 35 posts.
-Joe R.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2003, 06:52:22 PM by JRaygor »
-Joe Raygor

Casey Buck

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Are the GSN boards worthwhile?
« Reply #16 on: November 20, 2003, 07:21:30 PM »
[quote name=\'JRaygor\' date=\'Nov 20 2003, 03:52 PM\'] Though I'm curious: Who is the youngest person here ? I'm 18, but I'll be 19 in less that two months (Mark your calendars !)
 I'm 17, but I think that there are some people here that are even younger than myself.

Tommy Gun

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Are the GSN boards worthwhile?
« Reply #17 on: November 20, 2003, 07:26:28 PM »
I must admit I spend more time on the GSN forum.  The reason for that is because there is a lot more IGaS discussion over there (or there was, when IGaS was still on).  The reason for *that* is because of the B&WON review thread.  I'm not as much into game shows in general as I am into IGaS, which is why I don't post too much here.  I ONLY read the Classics forum over there, and it's pretty light-hearted most of the time.

A couple things about the GSN forum:

Regarding the large images in signatures -- you can turn those off in your options I believe.  Just uncheck the "show signatures" box (or something like that).

About the poor spelling/grammar -- There are some people with learning disorders, who "cannot" spell correctly.  There is no reason to make fun of them.  Also, I would imagine there are a lot of kids there as well, and making fun of them every time they post would just cause lots of flames or it would make them not want to post, because they simply can't spell.  I can't stand bad grammar and spelling either, but I think that's why you're not supposed to yell at people for it.  I actually stopped talking to a lot of people online because I felt like I was getting stupider just talking to them (not kidding).


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Are the GSN boards worthwhile?
« Reply #18 on: November 20, 2003, 08:43:50 PM »
I'm 17, but I think that there are some people here that are even younger than myself.

Yep.  Yours truely is a tender 15 years of age.

I haven't been there for a while, and for good reason.  The censorship over there is close to tyrannical.  At least I can speak my mind here, and wake up tomorrow morning not banned. (Pending that all rules are followed.)  That, and with the overflow of trolls (Or folks who can't type in a understandable manner) over there, the intelligence level seems to have taken a steady dip. (Not saying that there isn't intelligent folks over there, there's still plenty.)  

Personally, looking at the board now-a-days, I've never been happier to leave that rat trap.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2003, 08:53:22 PM by whampyl03 »


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Are the GSN boards worthwhile?
« Reply #19 on: November 20, 2003, 09:00:02 PM »
The GSN boards weren't always this way...
They used to be a board like these boards: Intelligent discussions, which meant intelligent members. Now the GSN boards just remind me of a toned down version of ATGS. I post at the GSN forums still, but not as much as I used to. If your just beginning it's not worth it.

These boards have a better discussion, and that comes from a member who doesn't post that much.


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Are the GSN boards worthwhile?
« Reply #20 on: November 20, 2003, 09:05:02 PM »
They used to be a board like these boards: Intelligent discussions, which meant intelligent members. Now the GSN boards just remind me of a toned down version of ATGS. I post at the GSN forums still, but not as much as I used to. If your just beginning it's not worth it.

Back a year and a half ago, before I even knew that this place existed, I loved the GSN boards because of the intelligent discussions.  It's really a mere skeleton of what was.  Geesh, did it go down the crapper.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2003, 09:06:11 PM by whampyl03 »


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Are the GSN boards worthwhile?
« Reply #21 on: November 20, 2003, 09:36:43 PM »
Well, I think that the credibility of GSN Boards have severely decreased in the last 19 months (the first post that I made). I used to post on a frequent basis, but it severly dropped off; primarily the same topics are made over and over and over again, or drove me insane with "Trolls", or the same debacle with Classics v. Originals (I've been a frequent supporter of Classics, but I do enjoy a little classic show here and there).

Nowadays, I work over the fan fiction and the off-topic areas, and make limited posting everywhere else. It makes no sense for me to actually post a question thats been answered before. Primarily, I like these boards because of the flexibility of freedom, and some genuine information. I'm glad I've been a part of these boards over the last couple of months, and I hope I'll have a prolonged tenure here. I do like posting here, and I look forward to making some kick-*** (am I allowed to use that word) intelligent conversation.

-Always looking for intelligent conversation, 24/7



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Are the GSN boards worthwhile?
« Reply #22 on: November 20, 2003, 09:52:49 PM »
[quote name=\'Steve Gavazzi\' date=\'Nov 20 2003, 04:34 PM\'] [quote name=\'clemon79\' date=\'Nov 20 2003, 05:05 PM\'] I did make one post, though, some idjit suggesting that the GameCube got short shrift on GSN's video game block and that they should remember "who started it all." We'll see if he bothers to look into who Ralph Baer is... [/quote]
You wouldn't happen to know the address of that thread, would you? [/quote]
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Are the GSN boards worthwhile?
« Reply #23 on: November 20, 2003, 10:44:28 PM »
[quote name=\'aaron sica\' date=\'Nov 20 2003, 12:00 PM\'] The GSN boards seem to have a lot more annoying people in them....Our good friend Darryl Heine still posts over there, and drives everyone there nuts too...

Not to mention the fact they're not very good at banning people and keeping them away....A user who does nothing but argue and complain about the "originals" and how much he hates them has been under a lot of screen names, but everyone knows it's him.

I also think the GSN boards get more business because of how accessible they are from the home page of GSN.....And people just find a community of other game show fans, and they start posting......

There are disagreements here, but it seems like there's a lot more of them over there, as compared to here. I don't know to explain it, but overall the IQ level seems to be higher on this board than the other one.

One last thing - that board lets you include pictures in your signature (I would assume this one doesn't, as I've never seen one), which can slow the loading time. For someone on dialup, this board is easier to access.

I mainly lurk over there, unless Darryl or someone else posts something really stupid and I can't hold myself back from replying.

Personally, Chris - I'd like to see you over there too. Would make my day to see you put people in their place there. :) [/quote]
I mainly lurk over there, unless Darryl or someone else posts something really stupid and I can't hold myself back from replying.

Personally, Chris - I'd like to see you over there too. Would make my day to see you put people in their place there. :)

So you want the GSN message boards to turn into he hellhole of flames, harassment, bullying and verbal abuse that ATGS was?

If you want to see people being flamed, why not go to alt.flame and be done with it?


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Are the GSN boards worthwhile?
« Reply #24 on: November 20, 2003, 11:24:06 PM »
I too occasionally post on both boards, with this board usually being the first one I read, simply because the conversation over here is MUCH more enlighting, informative, and (damn it I'll say it), humorous. GSN's boards use to be pretty well spoken for, but I believe most of the remaining intelligent posters have migrated over here. If you want GSN news quickly though, it's your better bet, just watch out for the rest of the sludge.

(who misses those mini-flame wars he used to get into with PPatters)


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Are the GSN boards worthwhile?
« Reply #25 on: November 21, 2003, 01:28:54 AM »
[quote name=\'Rhudson765\' date=\'Nov 20 2003, 10:44 PM\'] So you want the GSN message boards to turn into he hellhole of flames, harassment, bullying and verbal abuse that ATGS was?

If you want to see people being flamed, why not go to alt.flame and be done with it? [/quote]
 These kids need to be put in their place.  This means respecting adults that frequent the boards, and learning proper grammar; instead of hiding behind smokescreens.

GSN would be a more respectable place if they actually got rid of the idiots.
Phil 4:13


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Are the GSN boards worthwhile?
« Reply #26 on: November 21, 2003, 03:24:10 AM »
[quote name=\'Dsmith\' date=\'Nov 20 2003, 11:28 PM\'] This means respecting adults that frequent the boards, and learning proper grammar; instead of hiding behind smokescreens. [/quote]
 Respect is earned. Adults can be idiots too.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Are the GSN boards worthwhile?
« Reply #27 on: November 21, 2003, 09:32:23 AM »
I originally left the GSN boards way back in May of this year due to an overwhelming number of "crybabies" that feel I'm breaking the game show moral code for supporting GSN's other shows besides their classics.

And Whampyl03 is correct. Censorship has grown to outrageous numbers over there. I was posting a rather rabid comment on why I felt the GSN Video Games block was a decent idea (at the time it was announced), only to have it deleted the next day.

I have come back to those forums, but right now, I'm getting little results. It just feels like people aren't glad at all to see me back. And there aren't very many "good" threads to post in without saying something stupid, no matter what section you go in.

To be honest with you, I may just end up posting here more often now that I've seen this kind of thread.

(P.S.: Yes, I'm also thankful they moved GSN Video Games out of Thursdays. That block was going nowhere from what I had seen.)


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Are the GSN boards worthwhile?
« Reply #28 on: November 21, 2003, 12:47:43 PM »
[quote name=\'Dsmith\' date=\'Nov 20 2003, 11:28 PM\'] These kids need to be put in their place.  This means respecting adults that frequent the boards, and learning proper grammar; instead of hiding behind smokescreens.

GSN would be a more respectable place if they actually got rid of the idiots. [/quote]
 A message from the moderator over there more than clearly states that he has no intention of doing that.  To paraphrase, being better informed does not give you any special rights.  IMO, this is almost worse than many unmoderated boards.

So, trying to set a good example and raise the intelligence level over there would appear to be for naught.  GSN simply doesn't care.
melman1, "some sort of God on this message board" - PYLdude, 7/9/06.


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Are the GSN boards worthwhile?
« Reply #29 on: November 21, 2003, 01:14:53 PM »
[quote name=\'aaron sica\' date=\'Nov 20 2003, 12:00 PM\'] The GSN boards seem to have a lot more annoying people in them....Our good friend Darryl Heine still posts over there, and drives everyone there nuts too...

Not to mention the fact they're not very good at banning people and keeping them away....A user who does nothing but argue and complain about the "originals" and how much he hates them has been under a lot of screen names, but everyone knows it's him.

I also think the GSN boards get more business because of how accessible they are from the home page of GSN.....And people just find a community of other game show fans, and they start posting......

There are disagreements here, but it seems like there's a lot more of them over there, as compared to here. I don't know to explain it, but overall the IQ level seems to be higher on this board than the other one.

One last thing - that board lets you include pictures in your signature (I would assume this one doesn't, as I've never seen one), which can slow the loading time. For someone on dialup, this board is easier to access.

I mainly lurk over there, unless Darryl or someone else posts something really stupid and I can't hold myself back from replying.

Personally, Chris - I'd like to see you over there too. Would make my day to see you put people in their place there. :) [/quote]
 You forgot the "I agree, thanks for the info :D :D :D" guy that has over 20,000 posts and his own awards gig every year(hint hint, the Tommy's are coming!)