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Author Topic: The Price is Right episode help  (Read 1773 times)


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The Price is Right episode help
« on: October 27, 2010, 02:59:00 PM »
Earlier today, I received a message on YouTube from a lady named Terri Carlson. She said that she was on "The Price is Right" back in 1983, and wondered if I had the episode she was on. She gave me plenty of information to go on, and I wanted to know if anybody here would be able to help her out. Here is what I know about her appearance:

- The episode taped in late June 1983 (air date was September/October?)
- She played Money Game in the last half of the show (all playings on Money Game through early November 1983 were the last game of the show)
- She was wearing a pink sweater, white pants and had short dark hair.
- She was referred to as either Terri or Theresa.
- She says that all of about 10 minutes passed from the time she played Money Game to the time she spun the wheel.

Checking the calender of pricing game lineups on golden-road.net, I looked through my collection. I checked 9/14/83 & 9/23/83, and those weren't it. I don't have the 9/29/83 episode, and can't find my copy of the 10/5/83 episode. I don't have 10/11/83 or 10/28/83, either, and I would figure episodes taped in June wouldn't air that many weeks into the season. If anybody out there has it or think they may have it, please let me know so I can steer her in the right direction.

Thanks very much.

Ryan :)

Steve Gavazzi

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The Price is Right episode help
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2010, 09:02:59 PM »
How certain are you that Money Game was in the second half?  They did a week of shows in August '83 to promote The Phone Home Game, and Money Game was played third that Thursday, which also puts it right before a Showcase Showdown.  Also, I don't think Season 12 started taping until fairly late in the summer.


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The Price is Right episode help
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2010, 09:23:56 PM »
[quote name=\'Steve Gavazzi\' post=\'249787\' date=\'Oct 27 2010, 09:02 PM\']How certain are you that Money Game was in the second half?  They did a week of shows in August '83 to promote The Phone Home Game, and Money Game was played third that Thursday, which also puts it right before a Showcase Showdown.  Also, I don't think Season 12 started taping until fairly late in the summer.[/quote]

I have that particular episode (August 25, 1983) uploaded on my YouTube account. She didn't appear then. I'm just going by what she told me. I have most of my tapes stored away since I recently moved, and only had certain episodes available to me. She said her son was born about 12 weeks prior to her appearance, and he was born in 1983.

Steve Gavazzi

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The Price is Right episode help
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2010, 07:37:28 PM »
Okay, I've done some digging, and if Money Game was in the second half, it was definitely September 29, October 5, or October 11.  The only Season 12 shows taped before the summer break were the episodes from the third week through Tuesday of the sixth week that don't have The Phone Home Game in them.