I though that Davidson HS was more watchable than the Marshall HS (most of the time).
I loved the older WOF theme (and even the later incarnations in the late 80's early 90's were better than today's). The one they use today is garbage.
I thought Greed was better than millionaire and I'd love to see new eps but will never happen.
I can't stand watching Jeopardy. Maybe I feel stupid watching it, or get an enormous brain cramp, or fall asleep due to boredom although I love Alex Trebek as a host.
I feel that Canadian made game shows are cheesy and are knockoffs of most American versions of the shows although some original Canadian Made game shows I love (even if some of them feel a bit cheesy) ie: Pitfall, The Joke's on Us.
I never felt there was a reason to make "What's my Line" and "To Tell the Truth". Even if they're not exactly the same, they're too close in gameplay for me to care. Oooh... 3 people to talk to compared to 1

Vanna White is useless although she seems to be a very nice person. Can't turn letters? Give her something to do that's useful for the show.
I thought TPIR was going to be dead and buried soon after Bob Barker left. I never gave Drew Carey a chance.... I may start to watch TPIR again.
I actually love to watch poker games on GSN (although the channel itself seems to suck more than what it was 10-12 years ago when it was gold).
I prefer Liar's club (the newer one) with John Barber than the Allen Ludden era.
I find Todd Newton annoying as host.
Match Game can never be remade.
I hate most reality tv.