Since I last posted in the schedule thread, I worked on tweaking our antenna a bit, resulting in (somewhat; the picture sometimes drops out for some unknown reason) the ability to watch one additional station, namely WAAY-ABC-31. For the past 2 days I watched Jeopardy! on said station (where it moved this week from its longtime Huntsville, AL market home of WAFF-NBC-48; BTW,Wheel still airs on WAFF). I was pleasantly surprised to see WAAY air Jeopardy! in 16:9 720p HD, making it (I believe, since I can't confirm how WAFF runs their syndicated shows now) the first syndicated game show, and the first of 2 (The Doctors is the other) syndicated shows to air in HD in the market. Part of the pleasant surprise came from the fact that WAAY is (last I checked) the market's 3rd place station and runs everything else other than live ABC feeds in 4:3 SD, owned by a smaller company (Calkins Media) than either WAFF (Raycom Media) or WHNT-CBS-19 (Local TV LLC), the 2 "power" stations in the market (as some additional background, WAFF is in the midst of converting their news operation to 1080i HD, while WHNT currently does their news and HD-produced syndicated programs in 16:9 SD with some limited 1080p HD capabilities and, I think, will soon be under pressure to fully convert). WZDX-Fox-54 (Grant Broadcasting II) and WHDF-CW-15 (Lockwood Broadcasting), meanwhile, apparently have no plans or funds to upgrade their local/syndicated programming to HD any time soon.
Just curious to know if there are any other posters here who can receive Wheel and/or Jeopardy! in HD, and how soon can they expect to receive these and other shows in HD soon.