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Author Topic: "Lingo" for the orignal Game Boy  (Read 2025 times)


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  • ChristianCarrion.com
"Lingo" for the orignal Game Boy
« on: December 03, 2010, 12:59:30 AM »
After a bit of research, this appears to be based on the French version of the show (titled "Motus"), but fortunately, there is an English option in the game, which makes it very much playable for English-speakers (and changes the title to Lingo). It was programmed by PCSL, an Irish game house, and published by Altron Corporation for the Game Boy in Europe. Carries a 1993 copyright.

I never even knew this existed, and other than the terrible background music that never stops, it's a fun game.

Also, I uploaded a gallery of screenshots here.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2010, 11:29:29 AM by DoorNumberFour »
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"Lingo" for the orignal Game Boy
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2010, 09:17:35 AM »
Interesting!  Thanks for that Chris.

As an aside, I picked up Motus Junior on CD-ROM a number of years ago and used to play it with my Core French students.  It was a perfect level of difficulty for them.  And humorously, if you type in a French swear room, it scolds you and tells you to go to your room!
