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Author Topic: Family Feud 1999-2003  (Read 4877 times)


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Family Feud 1999-2003
« Reply #15 on: January 07, 2011, 04:18:23 PM »
[quote name=\'Jeremy Nelson\' post=\'254065\' date=\'Jan 6 2011, 07:17 AM\']i.e. Let's say your family amasses 250 points through the first three rounds. You hit the #1 answer in the triple round for 240 points, decide to play, deliberately take the strike, and even if the other family steals, they lose (I don't believe teams scored the points of the steal answer as well during this time). Does anybody ever remember a team just flat out throwing that last round like this?[/quote]They actually wouldn't bother with the steal. The host would tap-dance around the eventuality "and if that's wrong, we'll see what happens," we get the Big Red X, the music bumper, and the points go to one side or the other. Host says goodbye with "even if you stole, it wasn't enough to win," and they moved on.
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Family Feud 1999-2003
« Reply #16 on: January 07, 2011, 10:24:52 PM »
Listening to the "in the clear", I didn't realize that the very opening did sound kinda like a slowed down version of the original Feud theme. Kinda lost translation on TV. That being said, I am glad that they reverted back to the theme we all know and love, even if it isn't the complete version.