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Author Topic: Feast of Favorites - The rundown?  (Read 14160 times)


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Feast of Favorites - The rundown?
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2003, 04:03:02 PM »


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Feast of Favorites - The rundown?
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2003, 09:55:41 PM »
hi guys.  i am the owner of takeoff.to/russianroulette, the tvtome.com Russian Roulette page.  yes, what i posted WAS in fact the correct lineup.  actually, i knew for a few weeks, but i till word of it broke out at the GSN boards before i posted it.  how did i know it, its a secret!  what i posted is what i KNEW was going to be the Feast stats, so i hope i didnt cause an uproar of anyone anywhere.

GS Warehouse

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Feast of Favorites - The rundown?
« Reply #17 on: November 28, 2003, 12:18:39 AM »
[MSNBC Countdown theme plays]

Recapping the top 12 stories you'll be talking about tomorrow morning:

12. Greed - Dan, Curtis, and Melissa climb the Tower of Greed for $1M.  We know how it ends, but we see how they got there.
11. Russian Roulette - $100K winners!
10. Let's Make a Deal - Uncle Miltie wins the Big Deal for a home viewer, and Joanna Gleason helps Monty say farewell (unofficially).
9. Who wants to be a Millionaire? - Billy proves the Baldwin brothers are no idiots in the Fastest Finger circle.
8. Press Your Luck - Ever wonder why ice cream men are persona non grata on game shows since 1984?
7. The Joker's Wild - The ep that aired the same day as the premiere some other current show that shall remain nameless, and Frank Dillon establishes himself as the John Carpenter of 1978.
6. Bullseye - Note to GSN: next year, more Bonus Island and less (much less!) Patrick.
5. Friend or Foe? - The biggest betrayals in game show history--until Jon Dalton landed in Panama.
4. Family Feud - The evolution of the Dawson era in 43 minutes.
3. Whammy! - Simone gets her revenge, and Jack Benza is crowned the Whammy-weight champ-een of the world.
2. Lingo - Ten words in Bonus Lingo is the record, but Mark L. Walberg could be the best Lingo player I've ever seen.
1. Match Game - Carol and other Studio 33 co-tennants come out to play, and Mark Goodson outs Gene Rayburn.  Why would a game show host take up needlepoint?

And that's the Feast of Favorites edition of Countdown; thanks for being part of it. [wads up script]  I'm Keith Olbermann saying Happy Thanksgiving, good night and good luck. [tosses script at camera; turkey gobble sfx]
« Last Edit: November 28, 2003, 12:22:35 AM by GS Warehouse »


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Feast of Favorites - The rundown?
« Reply #18 on: November 28, 2003, 12:54:01 AM »
itiparanoid13, no uproar here.  Half the fun is figuring out the list.  GSN fumbled the ball, and we recovered - then they tried a trick play with the press release.

It's NICE knowing the list ahead of time - not as much for me as knowing the results - but so I know what I want to record and what I may want to pass on.

Thanks again!


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Feast of Favorites - The rundown?
« Reply #19 on: November 28, 2003, 12:29:26 PM »
well im glad there isnt any uproar here.  This board, after being here for a few days, is a million times better than GSN's.  There have been constant fits to GSN about how it was set up and they lied about the lineup, and thats just wrong.  im happy there wasnt any holy wars over here.


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Feast of Favorites - The rundown?
« Reply #20 on: November 28, 2003, 04:34:51 PM »
[quote name=\'wxfrcaster\' date=\'Nov 27 2003, 10:54 PM\'] It's NICE knowing the list ahead of time - not as much for me as knowing the results - but so I know what I want to record and what I may want to pass on.
And this is where GSN just doesn't seem to care.  They know they are a niche network, in a genre that has hard-core fans (I'm not counting most of the GSN board members) who yes, might like to set their VCR ahead of time.  By jerking them around with the so-called inadvertent lineup release, then announcing on their own boards (several days later) that it was a mistake and the lineup wouldn't be released at all, then putting out a press release that turned out to be wrong...

GSN either shows a) contempt for its hard-core viewers, and/or b) that its communications/PR people are incompetent.

I just don't buy this cat-and-mouse/it's-more-fun-when-you-don't-know line of thought.  TV Land would never, ever do things that way.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2003, 04:36:01 PM by melman1 »
melman1, "some sort of God on this message board" - PYLdude, 7/9/06.


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Feast of Favorites - The rundown?
« Reply #21 on: November 28, 2003, 05:03:00 PM »
GSN either shows a) contempt for its hard-core viewers, and/or b) that its communications/PR people are incompetent.

While it's easy to go ahead and say A, I'll go with B. Problem seems to be that GSN wants to look professional now, but it can't afford the staff to do so...