I agree, I like this game. It's not won a lot, because most folks are clueless. They have very little idea of what the prices of the items are, are make some absolutely stunning choices. They'll need a price of $12, and they'll skip over the mop or salt and pepper shakers for something else.
It's also a game where you can't just luck into a win, unlike many other games.
Most folks are far too focussed in their playing, they look at one price only. There are six prizes, three for the front game (first two items in each row) and three for the end (last item in each row). Folks need to look at them all as a group before play starts, and figure out which ones are which. At a minimum, you should be able to pick out the tough ones (similarly priced middle items), and the easy ones. Usually, the lowest and highest priced items are easy to pick out, find them, and see what that means for your paths. That highest item is almost always the last item in a row, so I call that my "easiest path" and save it for *last*, the first two paths should be used to gather info for your final run. It's vital that you get your first guess right though, so you may have to use your easy path to do so.
It is a game where they can easily control the difficulty. A couple of times, there have been items like $45, $50, and $60, so close together that it was pretty much a guaranteed loss.