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Author Topic: Buzzer Lock-Out Software  (Read 45722 times)


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  • Posts: 1383
Buzzer Lock-Out Software
« Reply #75 on: October 12, 2010, 01:40:36 PM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'249067\' date=\'Oct 12 2010, 12:05 PM\'][quote name=\'parliboy\' post=\'249066\' date=\'Oct 12 2010, 09:37 AM\']But where am I going to get 100 video cameras?[/quote]
Never mind that, where am I going to find 100 friends?
I LOL'd.


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Buzzer Lock-Out Software
« Reply #76 on: December 19, 2010, 09:39:18 AM »
[quote name=\'HiReception\' post=\'239537\' date=\'Apr 15 2010, 11:58 AM\'][quote name=\'a1creative\' post=\'231095\' date=\'Nov 24 2009, 04:20 AM\'][quote name=\'jmangin\' post=\'174778\' date=\'Jan 14 2008, 05:46 AM\']$otC Control

Let me know what y'all think.[/quote]

This link has expired. Can someone please re-post this file. It sounds like exactly what I've been looking for for ages.


Seconded. If there is a rule against bumping, I apologise, but I see no other way to lobby for this file to be re-uploaded. Thank you.

Can I third that? Really sorry to bump this old thread but this seems like its exactly what I've been looking for. I'd really appreciate it if someone could upload/send me it. Cheers!!