What do you think would've happened on TPIR if any other announcer had been picked among the announcer searches? Here's what I think would've happened if someone other than Rod or Rich had gotten the job:
From the mid-1980s:
*Gene Wood would've retired by the end of the 1990s. Sub-announcer rotations after his departure probably would include Burton, Paul Boland (since he was doing MG'98), maybe Randy... and quite possibly a few lesser lights á la the 2003 auditions, since not too many other announcers were active at the time.
(Side question — besides Burton, Rod and Paul, how many other announcers were active in the late 1990s anyway? Charlie O'Donnell, Johnny Gilbert, John Cramer, Shadoe Stevens, Mark Thompson... am I missing anyone?)
*Bob Hilton might still be announcing the show today, since he's not
that old. They might've tried to adapt him to the "announcer/comedian" role they want now, since he has a slight degree of experience hosting a show where fast ad-libbing is mandatory.
*Rich Jeffries would've been replaced by either Gene or Rod after a few weeks, because Rich can't announce his way out of a paper bag.
From the 2003 tryouts:
*Art Sanders probably would've retired not long after Drew took over.
*Burton probably would've been ousted for the "comedian/announcer" idea they've got going now.
*Randy probably would've stayed, since I hear he's a pretty funny guy.

*Jim Thornton probably would've ended up at Wheel just the same.
Your thoughts?