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Author Topic: Comic Gallagher collapses on stage in Minn.  (Read 10174 times)


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Comic Gallagher collapses on stage in Minn.
« Reply #30 on: March 25, 2012, 06:14:06 AM »
One thing you NEVER want to do at a Gallagher show is to heckle him. There's a YouTube clip of him going MAD over a couple of hecklers. He spends at least 10 minutes railing on them, and at one point the whole audience, wanting sledge-o-matic, inventive props, and witty one liners, started to turn on Gallagher, causing him to drop his whole act and rail even more!

I will say this about Gallagher, he did have one of the funniest HS zingers on MG/HS. This is saying a LOT, considering the stars were not briefed with zingers.

The question was something like "Gallagher... you're a handsome stallion... if you tried really hard, and mated with a donkey, could you have a baby?... or is that impossible?"

Gallagher: "It's PHYSICALLY possible... you'd just have a horse that's VERY slow at the races!"


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Comic Gallagher collapses on stage in Minn.
« Reply #31 on: March 25, 2012, 06:16:09 AM »
I will say this about Gallagher, he did have one of the funniest HS zingers on MG/HS. This is saying a LOT, considering the stars were not briefed with zingers.
They weren't?  Curt Alliaume's page seems to indicate otherwise and he used some sourced material when creating it.  Unless you have a way to back that up, I'm inclined to write it off.
Phil 4:13


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Comic Gallagher collapses on stage in Minn.
« Reply #32 on: March 25, 2012, 07:09:54 AM »
Um...unless I'm reading it wrong, Curt's page corroborates exactly what whewfan said: "...Goodson refused to supply the stars with bluff answers, and stars could prattle on endlessly – exactly what Merrill Heatter (who wasn’t involved with this new version) had tried so desperately to avoid."  They did on every other version of HS, but not that one.
It's a well-known fact that Lincoln loved mayonnaise!


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Comic Gallagher collapses on stage in Minn.
« Reply #33 on: March 25, 2012, 07:16:52 AM »
Um...unless I'm reading it wrong, Curt's page corroborates exactly what whewfan said: "...Goodson refused to supply the stars with bluff answers, and stars could prattle on endlessly – exactly what Merrill Heatter (who wasn’t involved with this new version) had tried so desperately to avoid."  They did on every other version of HS, but not that one.
Mea Culpa.  I didn't see the MG in his post when I originally responded.
Phil 4:13


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Comic Gallagher collapses on stage in Minn.
« Reply #34 on: March 25, 2012, 08:14:35 AM »
One thing you NEVER want to do at a Gallagher show is to heckle him. There's a YouTube clip of him going MAD over a couple of hecklers. He spends at least 10 minutes railing on them, and at one point the whole audience, wanting sledge-o-matic, inventive props, and witty one liners, started to turn on Gallagher, causing him to drop his whole act and rail even more!
I think it's generally a rule of thumb not to heckle a comedian, even if they suck. I mean, even the worst ones work hard at what they do, and don't deserve the comments.

Although, usually the audience loves when a comedian gets the best of a heckler. There's a clip somewhere of (I believe) the late Bill Hicks going in on one woman with quite colorful language, and the audience is just loving it.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2012, 08:15:05 AM by fostergray82 »
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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Comic Gallagher collapses on stage in Minn.
« Reply #35 on: March 25, 2012, 12:26:56 PM »
One thing you NEVER want to do at a Gallagher show is to heckle him. There's a YouTube clip of him going MAD over a couple of hecklers. He spends at least 10 minutes railing on them, and at one point the whole audience, wanting sledge-o-matic, inventive props, and witty one liners, started to turn on Gallagher, causing him to drop his whole act and rail even more!
I think it's generally a rule of thumb not to heckle a comedian, even if they suck. I mean, even the worst ones work hard at what they do, and don't deserve the comments.

Although, usually the audience loves when a comedian gets the best of a heckler. There's a clip somewhere of (I believe) the late Bill Hicks going in on one woman with quite colorful language, and the audience is just loving it.
Yeah, it sounds to me like if you're the type of douchebag who is inclined to heckle as a comedy show in the first place, and Gallagher totally lost control and the entire audience turned on him, then heckling Gallagher was EXACTLY what you wanted to do, because for once, it worked.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe

Matt Ottinger

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Comic Gallagher collapses on stage in Minn.
« Reply #36 on: March 25, 2012, 04:24:58 PM »
I think it's generally a rule of thumb not to heckle a comedian, even if they suck. I mean, even the worst ones work hard at what they do, and don't deserve the comments.
On the other hand, most decent comedians know what to do when they're being heckled, and that can lead to some of the more entertaining stuff of the night.  As a matter of fact, I've been to more than one stand-up concert where it appeared to me that a "heckler" was actually a plant the comic used for precisely that purpose.
This has been another installment of Matt Ottinger's Masters of the Obvious.
Stay tuned for all the obsessive-compulsive fun of Words Have Meanings.


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Comic Gallagher collapses on stage in Minn.
« Reply #37 on: March 27, 2012, 04:57:38 PM »
I think it's generally a rule of thumb not to heckle a comedian, even if they suck. I mean, even the worst ones work hard at what they do, and don't deserve the comments.
On the other hand, most decent comedians know what to do when they're being heckled, and that can lead to some of the more entertaining stuff of the night.  As a matter of fact, I've been to more than one stand-up concert where it appeared to me that a "heckler" was actually a plant the comic used for precisely that purpose.

Well, when you go to see Gallagher, you expect one liners, oversized props, and of course, smashing of items. (or if you come to his more recent shows, the material is significantly more over the edge) When he totally throws that away and rails at a heckler for a lengthy period of time, that for me would be money down the drain.

Only once did Gallagher do an entire act without props... on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. Johnny was not a fan of prop comics, so Gallagher had to pull his clean jokes (some which were George Carlin's old jokes) and rely on them.

I am a stand up comic myself, and I've never known anyone to plant a heckler in the audience. The only professional  I know that did this was Andy Kaufman. His agent/writer Bob Zmuda would heckle either Andy or his (at one time) alter ego Tony Clifton. In Zmuda's book, he says he heckled Andy while he was doing his foreign man/Elvis act. This was only a year before Andy's death, and Andy was losing his hair, and started using an Elvis wig. Without telling Andy, he went ahead and pointed out that Andy couldn't use his own hair to do Elvis anymore.

To point this back to game shows, Andy Kaufman did appear on HS. According to Peter Marshall in his book, Andy was giving the producers a hard time by being in character and being impossible. He eventually snapped out of it and talked to them as himself.


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Comic Gallagher collapses on stage in Minn.
« Reply #38 on: March 27, 2012, 05:20:26 PM »
I am a stand up comic myself
Curious, how often do you perform?
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Comic Gallagher collapses on stage in Minn.
« Reply #39 on: March 27, 2012, 07:40:27 PM »
I am a stand up comic myself
Curious, how often do you perform?

I've performed locally, certainly not nationally. I can't exactly say I do it as a profession, but I've gotten paid gigs here and there over the last couple years. I could've had a chance to meet Gallagher actually. He was in Maryland performing at the Susky Grill 3 weeks ago and only a week or so after that he had the heart attack.
I've found audiences more at conventions and autism related events (I have aspergers syndrome, and a while back I posted my routine about it, where I talk about The Price is Right) than at comedy clubs, but an audience is an audience. Presently I am trying to get a gig at Magooby's Joke House, a comedy club in Timonium MD. Also, another kinda-sorta game show connection, I will have a chance to be on a radio show where comic Craig Shoemaker (appeared on Whoopi HS) will be a call-in guest.

Lately I've "shifted gears" and have been doing physical comedy. I developed my own show and I am trying to shop around for venues for that.

Well, that's too much about me. Back to game shows!


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Comic Gallagher collapses on stage in Minn.
« Reply #40 on: March 28, 2012, 07:44:36 AM »
I think it's generally a rule of thumb not to heckle a comedian, even if they suck. I mean, even the worst ones work hard at what they do, and don't deserve the comments.
On the other hand, most decent comedians know what to do when they're being heckled, and that can lead to some of the more entertaining stuff of the night.  As a matter of fact, I've been to more than one stand-up concert where it appeared to me that a "heckler" was actually a plant the comic used for precisely that purpose.

I am a stand up comic myself, and I've never known anyone to plant a heckler in the audience. The only professional  I know that did this was Andy Kaufman. His agent/writer Bob Zmuda would heckle either Andy or his (at one time) alter ego Tony Clifton. In Zmuda's book, he says he heckled Andy while he was doing his foreign man/Elvis act. This was only a year before Andy's death, and Andy was losing his hair, and started using an Elvis wig. Without telling Andy, he went ahead and pointed out that Andy couldn't use his own hair to do Elvis anymore.

I may be wrong on this, but I thought Rodney Dangerfield had one of his assistants serve as a "planted heckler" during his stand-up performances.  A friend of mine mentioned seeing Rodney perform stand-up in Vegas on three occassions.  Each time, the same man, dressed in the same outfit, would stand up and heckle him at the same point in Rodney's performance (about halfway through his act).  Rodney would respond with the same putdown and moved on.