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Author Topic: The Best & The Worst...  (Read 3999 times)


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The Best & The Worst...
« on: March 17, 2011, 03:07:41 PM »
I don't recall ever seeing a thread on this topic, forgive me if there was.

What was your favorite and/or least favorite game show logo(s) of the past?  


Trivia Trap -- The "TRAP" part of the logo always reminded me of some gang graffiti on a back alley wall.
To Tell The Truth '80.  -- Red/orange neon lettering was hideous, IMHO.

Whew! -- Simple, yet creative.
The Price Is Right (Barker) -- One of the longest-lasting logos in history which has for the most part (the font & dollar sign) has remained untouched.
To Tell The Truth (Moore 70's Version & 90's version) I always loved the way they displayed the TTTT text.
The $10,20,25,50,100K Pyramid -- Bonus points when they would topple or "flatten" the logo at the top of the show.



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The Best & The Worst...
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2011, 04:12:43 PM »
I thought the 2006-07 Family Feud logo was pretty lame. The one they use now is pretty good.


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The Best & The Worst...
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2011, 04:28:54 PM »

Match Game ('78-'82)
Concentration (original '60s/70s)
The $(X)XX,000 Pyramid
Super Password
Password Plus
The Price is Right (I have an old textbook that I tried to draw the PiR logo in the back cover and I was only 4-5 years old).
Jeopardy! ('64-'79)
Hollywood Sqaures ('66-'81)
Sale of the Century ('83-'89)


Family Feud '99-'07
Match Game '98 ('90 I'm not too wild about either, but it's comparably more tolerable).
Classic Concentration
Jeopardy! ('84-current).  It's pretty much a staple of American TV show IDs, but I've never been crazy about the logo.
Hollywood Squares ('86-'89)


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The Best & The Worst...
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2011, 06:16:55 PM »
I enjoy the most distinctive logos:
NYSI ’74
TPiR ’73 (I can’t look at a Grand Theft Auto box without thinking about TPiR)
Concentration’s second logo
Beat the Clock ’69
The Gong Show
NTT ’74

These I always found repulsive:
Personality (its looks like a lazy ransom note)
NYSI ’89 (scrawl that clashed with the handsome set)
P+ (another ugly scrawl that actually looks decent on the home game)
H2 (really? that looks as if that might fun?)
Make a Face (ugly)
A Cliff Saber Production
email address: alfonzos@aol.com
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The Best & The Worst...
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2011, 06:33:01 AM »
Welcome to my geekdome!!

1st tier:
Chain Reaction (Haricot font)
The Joker's Wild (Slots frilly)
The Price is Right: Agreeing with Tim K
Fun House: it just fits the show.
Bullseye: just add rings, holes, Lightning and boom . It goes well with a state of the art set!
Tic Tac Dough 1990: Too bad the show was meh.
Hot Potato: Just add steam!
Wheel of fortune (spinning colors): Coolness
Trivia TRAP: Looks like it got smashed in a trap! It goes in the win column!
Card sharks (1978) : Not sure if the Aces were part of the Logo but it counts in my top tier!
Double Dare (Nickelodeon:1980s): Either if it was Double Ds, Super Sloppy, Family, SuperSloppy Family, Hyper, Alpha, 3rd Strike, Super-Turbo-Hyper-Family-Sloppy!! wheew!

2nd Tier:
Tic Tac Dough: it's ok but not great
Name That Tune(1985/6): By itself it's alright, add the $100,000 and it moves it up!
Card Sharks (1987): it fits for it's period but  not as good as the earlier.
Supermarket Sweep (either): It fits (yes I'm saying this alot) but not as exciting as anything else.
Shop till you Drop
Super Password: I guess it's an 1980s thing
Wheel of fortune (plain/over fancy/ Non wheel/ 1989) : it's ok not great
American Gladiators: It works and feels patriotic so yeah.
Nickelodeon ARCADE: well this was just borderlining between the two tiers.

Back Ailey:
Figure it Out; it's ok but the Formula falls flat
Love Connection (Bull****ard 1st) Lame
5,4,3,2, RUN! : it just meh. Prolly made of trash and pipes.
Jackpot!: Just looks shopped
Peer Pressure/Presures 1&2: It fits the rest of the crap!
Card Sharks (2001) : Do I need to explain?

« Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 06:28:09 PM by William_S. »


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The Best & The Worst...
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2011, 02:55:43 AM »
Super Password (It looks like a neon beer sign you'd see in a steakhouse.)
WoF (pre-CBS Daytime)
Scrabble (original)
Wipeout (Tomarken)
TTTT ('70s/'90)

Least Favorites:
Family Feud (All of them.  Good show, boring logos)
WoF (CBS Daytime)
Scrabble ('93)
High Rollers (Trebek)

Craig Karlberg

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« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2011, 03:55:15 AM »
I have 3 levels as far as logos go:

Top Level:

Newlywed Game-I don't remember any show before or since that used that style of writing.  It fits in nicely.
The Price Is Right-An unchanged icon of a logo never gets old.
Famuly Feud(original)-Nothing says family like the logo.
Fun House-It may've looked silly, but it blended right in with the premise.
Whew!-Clever, but effective.

Nid Level:

The Hollywood Squares-Simple, but OK.
Beat the Clock(Narz/Wood versions)-Another simple, but fairly decent one.
Password(original)-Not too bad even if it was simple.
Hit Man-It's OK, but it looks like it was taken from an arcade game or something.
Now You See It-Pretty decent logo at the time it came out in 1974.

Bottom Dwellers:
Play the Percentages-That large % made the title looked too small for me to read.
FF(1999-2007)-It doesn't look anything like the original.
Chain Reaction(GSN version)-Those kinds of displays should be left at airports & train terminals.
Debt-Does it have to look like a credit card?
CS'01-The less said, the better.


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« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2011, 08:36:24 AM »
Always liked "Baffle" with the reversed second "F".


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« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2011, 02:41:44 PM »
I always loved the graphic design (or is it art direction, when talking television?) of the original Joker's Wild. The joker itself with "wild" under it is different from playing cards yet fits and is such an icon. It would look just as cool on a flat screen LED window today. The devil who looked like Jack Barry wasn't bad either.

TPIR's logo is a gem for all time. The Dating Game may be hilariously dated today, but was original and iconic.
I love the overall effect of the letters in Concentration pulling apart from the mass. I liked Musical Chairs' logo--it looked like Schwinn bicycles.

Jeopardy! is a cool logo. Right off the bat, it felt like it belonged there all along, even though it was totally different than the logo on Art's version. Speaking of which, the last Milton-Bradley box game for the original had an updated thicker version of the seriffed logo that is awesome.

And I always hated the Pyramid logo, both the 70s original and the redrawn model for the 80s. It looked like something I could have drawn up doodling during science class. That was one change, maybe the only one, Donnymid made (both logo and ditching the dollar amount in the name) that worked. Tic Tac Dough used Futura Extra-Bold Condensed so that sucked, too, although the iconic Apple IIe dragon was great.

Jeremy Nelson

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« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2011, 07:26:36 PM »
Debt-Does it have to look like a credit card?
CS'01-The less said, the better.
As for Debt, I think the credit card was fine.

I definitely disagree with you on CS'01- the logo didn't mesh with the set at all, but it was the best part about that show for me. Maybe on a flashy, more colorful set it could have made more sense, but I think, at least for me, once I just saw the logo on the box game from Endless, that was when I realy could see how good it was.

WoF (CBS Daytime)
Does that count as a logo? Well, I guess since it comes up at the start of the show, it technically does, but since they were using the classic logo everywhere else on that version, that one is a tossup for me.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2011, 07:49:10 PM by Jeremy Nelson »
Fun Fact To Make You Feel Old: Syndicated Jeopeardy has allowed champs to play until they lose longer than they've retired them after five days.


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The Best & The Worst...
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2011, 06:59:15 PM »
Super Password was always one of my favorites.

Jeopardy! gets major points for simplicity. I've also liked pretty much any Wheel of Fortune logo.
Bobby Peacock