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Author Topic: Fox Family Double Dare Family Names  (Read 11507 times)

Bertie Bott

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Fox Family Double Dare Family Names
« on: April 10, 2011, 08:48:07 PM »
Hey guys, of the 13 episodes made of the show, I have been able to identify 11. Any chance you game show experts would know what the 2 other episodes or family names were?

Chews vs. Charlets
Chews vs. Wilfrids
Datz-Lerners vs. Dieroffs (Lou Ferrigno vs. Weird Al Yankovic)
Dugarys vs. Marinis
Fondaks vs. Fischlers
Gudelunas vs. Keeneys
McGoldricks vs. O'Donnells
McKennas vs. Millhouse
Scharles vs. Lentz
Southwicks vs. Doerrs
Winwards vs. Reillys

In addition, I'm trying to find the total number of episodes of Double Dare produced. I've heard varying numbers and was wondering if anyone had a confirmed count?  Thanks in advance for any and all help! :)


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Fox Family Double Dare Family Names
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2011, 12:51:09 AM »
I believe the Complete Directory to Prime Time Network and Cable TV Shows has an episode count (I don't have it offhand).  Also, I think one ProQuest article I have counts the number of Universal Studios episodes in an article on Nickelodeon.

EDIT:  Here are the episode counts for Universal-produced shows as of February 2, 1994 (source is Hinman, Catherine.  "Nickelodeon Count: 1,000 Episodes - Worth $110 Million."  Orlando Sentinel, Feb. 2, 1994, p. B1)

Legends of the Hidden Temple 1993 40**
Nickelodeon GUTS 1992-93 87**
Nickelodeon Arcade 1991-92 84
What Would You Do? 1991 65
Get the Picture 1991 116
Family Double Dare 1990 40
Make the Grade 1990 57
** indicating a show that was scheduled for renewal for 1994

I don't think the FDD statistic is quite right, as it does not account for 1992 episodes (they were not listed in the source).
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 01:08:58 AM by rjaguar3 »


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Fox Family Double Dare Family Names
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2011, 02:23:40 AM »
I believe the Complete Directory to Prime Time Network and Cable TV Shows has an episode count (I don't have it offhand).  Also, I think one ProQuest article I have counts the number of Universal Studios episodes in an article on Nickelodeon.

EDIT:  Here are the episode counts for Universal-produced shows as of February 2, 1994 (source is Hinman, Catherine.  "Nickelodeon Count: 1,000 Episodes - Worth $110 Million."  Orlando Sentinel, Feb. 2, 1994, p. B1)

What Would You Do? 1991 65
Get the Picture 1991 116
Family Double Dare 1990 40
Make the Grade 1990 57
** indicating a show that was scheduled for renewal for 1994

I don't think the FDD statistic is quite right, as it does not account for 1992 episodes (they were not listed in the source).
What Would You Do seems like it should be higher as well...they did a few seasons, and it was a daily show.
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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Fox Family Double Dare Family Names
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2011, 07:23:40 AM »
It's possible they only counted WWYD?'s first season in the tally (the eps. before they redid the set and the music)...of course, given Nick's tendency to rerun shows into the ground, 65 being the entire run is quite plausible...
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Fox Family Double Dare Family Names
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2011, 02:17:08 PM »
Chews vs. Charlets
Chews vs. Wilfrids

It seems likely, but just to make sure...is it the same Chew family both times? If so, did they say why they were playing again? (I don't have the former episode, so I've no way of checking myself.)


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Fox Family Double Dare Family Names
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2011, 04:06:17 PM »
Here are the results from my search of Brooks and Marsh's Complete Directory

Double Dare aired 482 episodes from 1986 through 1993.  The 2000 run is listed, but there is no episode count given in the book.
The Fox version is listed separately (within in the same entry) as running from April 3 to July 23, 1988, with there being at least one hour-long episode in July 1988.

Finder's Keepers is not listed.

Think Fast is listed, and there were 106 episodes produced from 1989 to 1990.  However, Michael Carrington is not listed as a host of the show.

Make the Grade produced 160 episodes from 1989 to 1990.  In a factual error*, the authors omit Robb Edward Morris and erroneously list Mike O'Malley as a host from 1990 to 1991.

Get the Picture taped 115 episodes in 1991, according to Brooks and Marsh.

Nick Arcade taped 84 episodes from 1991 to 1992.

Nickelodeon GUTS taped 126 episodes from 1992 to 1995.  (I forgot to check if Global GUTS is listed separately or included in that total.)

Legends of the Hidden Temple taped 120 episodes from 1993 to 1995.

Nickelodeon All-Star Challenge is not listed.

Figure It Out has no episode count, although Brooks and Marsh have it being produced from 1997 to 1999.

You're On and Scaredy Camp are not listed.

*in an interesting sidenote, in a 1993 article, Marianne Arneberg of the Orlando Sentinel calls Legends "Nickelodeon's fourth game show for kids".  Oy.


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Fox Family Double Dare Family Names
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2011, 10:35:07 PM »
Here are the results from my search of Brooks and Marsh's Complete Directory

Double Dare aired 482 episodes from 1986 through 1993.  The 2000 run is listed, but there is no episode count given in the book.
The Fox version is listed separately (within in the same entry) as running from April 3 to July 23, 1988, with there being at least one hour-long episode in July 1988.
Marc has said on several occasions that they did 525 episodes from 1986 to 1993.  

The 2000 version aired 67 episodes.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 10:35:39 PM by jw2001 »


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Fox Family Double Dare Family Names
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2011, 11:03:25 PM »
According to this article, there were 170 pre-syndication episodes of Double Dare:

My link

However, SSDD 87 was recorded in New York, not Philadelphia.


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Fox Family Double Dare Family Names
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2011, 11:46:45 PM »
Excellent! I was scouring some of those Broadcasting & Cable magazines to find articles just like that. Thank you! I DID find (in this issue, page 52 scanned) that Finders Keepers had 130 episodes in syndication, while Fun House had 170. So I'll keep looking to get some harder numbers on DD, but let's play with it.

So they did 170 by October 1987 according to that article...I would assume that the total comes from 65 in 1986, 65 for 1987, leaving 40 for the weekend edition? I'm pretty certain there were 130 episodes in the 1988 syndie season. It stands to reason there were the same number in 1989, despite reports from an older website that they did 50 Super Sloppy episodes in Philadelphia and 50 in Florida. The book cited earlier would indicate Family Double Dare on Nickelodeon was ordered 40 to a season (which would jive with the '87 SSDD, which also aired exclusively on weekends).

So that's 170 + 130 + 130 + 40 + 40. A total of 510...add in the Super Special & NBA All-Star episodes, and the 13 from FOX...that would get to 525 exactly, a number I had previously disputed myself. Hmmmm.

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Fox Family Double Dare Family Names
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2011, 12:24:56 AM »
I always wondered how Marc got 525, but your count makes a lot of sense.  

It's Jerry Huster's website (http://home.comcast.net/~doubledare/history.htm) that lists 50 SSDD in Philly and another 50 in Orlando.

Bertie Bott

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Fox Family Double Dare Family Names
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2011, 06:36:54 AM »
Chews vs. Charlets
Chews vs. Wilfrids

It seems likely, but just to make sure...is it the same Chew family both times? If so, did they say why they were playing again? (I don't have the former episode, so I've no way of checking myself.)

I don't have the episodes on hand right now to watch but if memory serves, it was indeed the same family, can't remember why they played again though (I'll try to check it out and get back to you guys on that).

So great to see that we can pretty much confirm 525 total episodes and the episode tally from each season, really appreciate this guys! Keep up the super sleuthing and if anyone could find the names of the families from the other 2 Fox FDD episodes, I would be eternally grateful!


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Fox Family Double Dare Family Names
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2012, 02:12:43 AM »
I don't believe that FK produced that many episodes for syndication and they may have only produced 50 or 65 total episodes for syndication. Speaking of FK, how many episodes did FK produce in both Eure seasons?, for GTP, how many Season 1 episodes w/the money in the main game/1 physical stunt Power Surge in Round 2 format, etc. were produced and how many Season 2 episodes(points in the main game, added name tags, opening toss-up picture format) were produced? For Nick Arcade, they taped an average of 10-11 episodes a month so by estimation, those 42 episodes were produced between September and mid-December 1991 and the next 42 episodes were taped between May and August 1992 with the Season 2 episodes might've not begun airing until January 1993 I believe. Now as for the syndie run of Double Dare, the first series of syndie episodes were taped between January and March 1988 and the episodes with the tiles and the host assists and Harvey wearing denims began taping around May or June 1988 and those episodes marked the final appearances of Tire Swing, and the various splat-named obstacle(Spud Splay/Breakfast Canal, etc.) AFAIK before the set made drastic changes and to officially rename the title to SSDD by December 1988, with Couch Potatoes beginning production simultaneously.


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Fox Family Double Dare Family Names
« Reply #12 on: January 24, 2012, 06:46:27 PM »
I [background=black]don't believe that FK produced that many episodes for syndication and they[/background] may [background=black]have only produced 50 or 65 total episodes for syndication. Speaking of FK, how many episodes did FK[/background] produce [background=black]in both Eure seasons?, for GTP, how many Season 1 episodes w/the money in the main game/1[/background] physical [background=black]stunt Power Surge in Round 2 format, etc. were produced and how many Season 2 episodes(points in the main game, added name tags, opening toss-up picture format) were produced? For Nick Arcade, they taped an average of 10-11 episodes a month so by estimation, those 42 episodes were produced between September and mid-December 1991 and the next 42 episodes were taped between May and August 1992 with the Season 2 episodes might've not begun airing until January 1993 I believe. Now as for the syndie run of Double Dare, the first series of syndie episodes were taped between January and March 1988 and the episodes with the tiles and the host assists and Harvey wearing denims began taping around May or June 1988 and those episodes marked the final appearances of Tire Swing, and the various splat-named obstacle(Spud Splay/Breakfast[/background] Canal [background=black] , etc.) AFAIK before the set made drastic[/background] changes [background=black]and to officially rename the title to SSDD by December 1988, with Couch Potatoes beginning production simultaneously.[/background]

/ I always was good at solving these
"You're never ready, just less unprepared."


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Fox Family Double Dare Family Names
« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2012, 07:13:29 PM »
Very good blacking out, Gene. That means Avocado goes into the puzzle.
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Fox Family Double Dare Family Names
« Reply #14 on: January 24, 2012, 07:46:45 PM »
Longest round of To Say The Least EVAR.
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