George Gray announced as the new announcer. Good choice - one of the better who auditioned for the gig.
Although I really hadn't paid that much attention to the whole rotating announcer audition process stuff, when all is said and done, of all the guys who were given a shot at the full-time gig, I think George Gray was definitely the best choice and best fit overall.
While I didn't strongly object to any of the other candidates, I will admit that each of them (except for George) did exhibit at least one minor trait that I views as a flaw/quirk/annoyance and therein a wee distraction from the game for me:
J.D. Roberto just came across as too much of a "yes man" for my tastes...c'mon...calling Drew "Boss" was just a bit cheezy and butt-smooochy for me.
Jeff Davis, while a decent announcer, somehow just felt a wee bit oily to me...dunno why...also, I kinda felt he was there because he was Drew's buddy and not because he was necessarily the best man for the job.
Brad Sherwood, partially for the buddy buddy aspect, but mainly because, to me, he almost always sounded like he was playing the part of a game show announcer on a sitcom...rather over-the-top and lacking a degree of sincerity. With that said, I continue to be a Brad Sherwood fan outside of TPiR.
David Lawrence...dammit...I hate my reason for not liking him for the job since, as an announcer, I thought he did a really nice job. However, the whole "this is David Lawrence the FIVE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND EIGHTH speaking for The Price Is Right" just sounded goofy to me and it bugged me for some reason I can't explain. Well, maybe because every time I heard it, I had flashes of Henry Polic II and that kinda scared me...

I acknowledge that I am quite the disturbed individual.
Steve White...hmmmmm...what can I say about someone who was so forgettable to my ear that I never have heard of him before now and don't have any recollection of any of his appearances.
As for George, I think his voice is easy on the ear...almost has an odd gentle quality at times which I seem to enjoy, I guess. He also has a quick wit yet avoids stepping on anyone's toes when displaying it. And ya know, for all the little old ladies out there in TV Land, Georgie boy simply has that clean-cut "boy next door" look these days that so many find to their liking.
And for the record, I was not always a George Gray fan. In fact, I was one of those people who HATED HIS GUTS from the whole EXTREME GONG debacle. That whole thing left such a bad taste in my mouth that, upon EG's cancellation, I was thrilled to see him gone and hoped he would never be seen or heard from again.
But alas, this was not to be...George Gray returned from the cancellation graveyard as the host of the syndie "WEAKEST LINK"...and I must admit, after only the first few episodes, he absolutely won me over completely. I loved loved LOVED his hosting style on WL. Hey, I love Anne Robinson and got the whole "mean bitch from Hell" thing was all schtick and enjoyed the joke. Unfortunately, too many others out there just didn't get it and I think that the number of viewers who refused to watch that mean old lady be cruel to those poor little innocent contestants couldn't have helped the ratings. But George was able to take the necessary taskmaster/dominatrix attitude needed for the WL host and adapt it to yankee sensibilities. George, at his harshest, came across as more naughty and haughty (and usually very funny) while Anne just kinda sounded mean.
So, I guess what I'm trying to say is...YEA GEORGE...good going, dude...
