Response on has been overwhelmingly positive. It looks spiffy from this corner, as well.
They seem to like everything except the new lights- it's a little more nay than yea on that feature, but yeah, it has been a great response.
I know it probably won't happen, but a cool thing to do with that flat-screen at the back would be a return of the Plinko (yes, Android, it is a word, damn autocorrect) sign to behind the audience, just like 20+ years ago. Would be a neat little homage.
As much as this would be cool...i actually like the current reveal. A lot.
Agreed. the classic reveal was really cool, but I do have to give major kudos to whoever came up with the new reveal (Rich DiPirro?), because it captures Pinko's "epicness" just as good, if not better, than before.
By the way, apparently today was the first tape day for Season 40, so we should be seeing a lot of pics/video of the rest of the set quite soon- I imagine we'll start seeing video on not too long after they finish airing Season 39 first-run eps.