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Author Topic: "Its Your Chance Of A Lifetime"  (Read 10551 times)


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"Its Your Chance Of A Lifetime"
« on: June 30, 2011, 10:18:45 PM »
Anyone besides me watch this short-lived game show on Fox?  I know most people thought it was boring, I thought it was pretty exciting, I saw the episode where Dr. Tim Hser(or whatever the heck his last name is) won over a million dollars.  How come Fox never picked this show up as a regular series? It could've done well enough.


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"Its Your Chance Of A Lifetime"
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2011, 10:54:07 PM »
I didn't think the format was particularly strong or original. But more importantly, this was in a time where ABC's competitors wanted a Millionaire killer, which this show certainly was not. Quite the opposite -- it floundered so badly, that it would not shock me if its failure contributed to the cancellation of Greed a month later.
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"Its Your Chance Of A Lifetime"
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2011, 11:00:48 PM »
Hmmm... I'll stick to the one that uses a giant Computer and uses word puzzles. this version was kinda like an overblown "you bet your life" I'm sorry I guess you're the only one on liking this..


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"Its Your Chance Of A Lifetime"
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2011, 11:15:15 PM »
this version was kinda like an overblown "you bet your life" I'm sorry I guess you're the only one on liking this..
Beg pardon? How's this?

I thought it was OK because it was a game show, and other than the standard ones you could see every day. It wasn't ever going to catch and pass Millionaire, and I was OK with that. I was less OK with Greed being cancelled afterward.
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"Its Your Chance Of A Lifetime"
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2011, 11:17:42 PM »
Wouldn't surprise me, considering that i'm one of the few people who didn't totally hate "Set For Life" I wouldn't call it "good" by any means, but it's far from the worst thing i've seen on TV(the worst, apart from DOND would be "Temptation" now THAT show sucked hardcore! It had the cheapest and ugliest sets known to man and the most boring host imagineable, it's no wonder the producers of the show actually had to pay for airtime) Yeah the kids were annoying and the qualifying rounds definitely should've been televised(the filler could've been trimmed from the main game, then there'd be enough time to fit in the qualifying round) but otherwise it was tolerable enough, on a sidenote: it was hard to tell if Kimmel was just bored, if he's really like that all the time.  

Anyways, "Chance Of A Lifetime" might not have had the most original format, but it somehow managed to make it work(mostly because of Elliott, i'd really like to see him host another game show like that) I liked that the contestants could wager money on the questions, I can't think of too many other game shows that did something like that.  At the very least, you have to admit this show is better then Million Dollar Money Drop, the "all or nothing" format was what ultimately killed that show, would it have killed them to have a consolation prize or something?


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"Its Your Chance Of A Lifetime"
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2011, 11:21:23 PM »
this version was kinda like an overblown "you bet your life" I'm sorry I guess you're the only one on liking this..
Beg pardon? How's this?

I thought it was OK because it was a game show, and other than the standard ones you could see every day. It wasn't ever going to catch and pass Millionaire, and I was OK with that. I was less OK with Greed being cancelled afterward.
I heard somewhere that Greed was actually supposed to have a second season, but it got cancelled because the network president hated game shows, that also would explain why "Chance Of A Lifetime" didn't get picked up as a regular series like originally planned.


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"Its Your Chance Of A Lifetime"
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2011, 11:27:10 PM »
I heard somewhere that Greed was actually supposed to have a second season, but it got cancelled because the network president hated game shows, that also would explain why "Chance Of A Lifetime" didn't get picked up as a regular series like originally planned.
Yes, I understand that, I wasn't asking that. And hey, while we're at it, you can learn about the Proof or Not Real meme, since I don't recall Chance being considered for seriesdom. My question to that guy was how Chance resembles YBYL.
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"Its Your Chance Of A Lifetime"
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2011, 12:11:55 AM »
I don't recall Chance being considered for seriesdom.

Wiki reports it, but if you doubt that, ATGS posts confirm that it was announced (at some point) for a weekly time slot that never materialized. In fact, there's a "save this show" type website still up on FortuneCity.

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"Its Your Chance Of A Lifetime"
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2011, 12:12:33 AM »
Advertising was in place in multiple media for the continuation of the show as a weekly series.  In print, on TV, and on the show's website. It looks horrible, but someone actually archived portions of the show's web page here: http://www.fortunecity.com/business/shares/1385/id20.htm
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"Its Your Chance Of A Lifetime"
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2011, 12:25:54 AM »
Guess I missed that. I sit stunned and corrected.
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"Its Your Chance Of A Lifetime"
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2011, 12:27:04 AM »
I knew I wasn't crazy!  BTW I don't see how "Chance" resembles YBYL either.


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"Its Your Chance Of A Lifetime"
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2011, 12:32:23 AM »
S'all good. You should know by now that if there's one group that remembers horribly useless and obscure factoids, it's game show fans.
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"Its Your Chance Of A Lifetime"
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2011, 04:55:21 AM »
I don't recall Chance being considered for seriesdom.

Wiki reports it, but if you doubt that, ATGS posts confirm that it was announced (at some point) for a weekly time slot that never materialized. In fact, there's a "save this show" type website still up on FortuneCity.

Thanks for that link. I look forward to seeing the continuing adventures of Demetrious Polychron this weekend when I check out Transformers: Dark of the Moon.



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"Its Your Chance Of A Lifetime"
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2011, 04:30:46 PM »
Anyone besides me watch this short-lived game show on Fox?  I know most people thought it was boring, I thought it was pretty exciting, I saw the episode where Dr. Tim Hser(or whatever the heck his last name is) won over a million dollars.  How come Fox never picked this show up as a regular series? It could've done well enough.

That's "Hsieh".  H-S-I-E-H.
I thought it was pretty exciting as well.  :)


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"Its Your Chance Of A Lifetime"
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2011, 04:55:45 PM »
Anyone besides me watch this short-lived game show on Fox?  I know most people thought it was boring, I thought it was pretty exciting, I saw the episode where Dr. Tim Hser(or whatever the heck his last name is) won over a million dollars.  How come Fox never picked this show up as a regular series? It could've done well enough.

That's "Hsieh".  H-S-I-E-H.
I thought it was pretty exciting as well.  :)
Thanks! Nice to see another "Lifetime" fan.  I wonder what game show Fox will do next, now that MDMD is officially cancelled.