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Author Topic: Game Show Executive Producers Question...  (Read 1831 times)


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Game Show Executive Producers Question...
« on: July 22, 2011, 04:37:36 PM »
Out of all the executive producers who had their name and/or logo at the end of each show, how many of them would regularly, if not always, be present at the tapings?

There were those who were always seen on their shows since they were the host:

Chuck Barris -- Gong Show
Jack Barry -- Syndie Break The Bank, Jokers Wild.
Monty Hall -- Let's Make A Deal, Split Second '87.

But for the others (Heatter/Quigley, Goodson/Todman, Ralph Edwards, Merv Griffin, Reg Grundy,...) and to the aforementioned 3, among others -- who tended to have more tape-day involvement in the studio, and on which shows? And who were the ones who just lent their namesake(s) and/or logo at the end of each episode and let the others "do the driving" for them?

With all the shows that Goodson-Todman made over the years, for example, I doubt that either or both were on-site for every taping, but were there specific game shows they would regularly be seen at over their other creations?

For example, it has been noted that Dan Enright, of the Barry & Enright duo, was usually at the tapings of Play The Percentages, and Jay Wolpert was usually at most, if not all, of his JWP shows.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2011, 04:41:57 PM by Matt Ottinger »