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Author Topic: The return of Name That Tune  (Read 2040 times)


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The return of Name That Tune
« on: July 27, 2011, 11:22:10 PM »
Website Five Hundy By Midnight is reporting that Vegas casino Imperial Palace will be hosting Name That Tune Live starting sometime in August 2011.

When trying to verify this information, I came across Eric Gardner's LinkedIn profile which echoes this information, as well as mentions "'The Sing Off' (opening in 2012 at Harrahs)"

All this makes me wonder about this Variety article from October 2006 mentioning Eric Gardner producing a version of Name That Tune starring Donny Osmond, who is also mentioned on the LinkedIn profile. That, of course, never happened, but it sounds like *something* is coming of all this...

Joe Mello

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The return of Name That Tune
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2011, 06:03:04 PM »
IIRC, it was hinted at the Sing-off finale that there was going to be some sort of on-the-road thing. Or, perhaps this is the prize for season 3.
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