It's for their own product. They look an awful lot like iPod cables but they don't fit my iPod Touch. It's a shame because I have a cat who likes eating thin wires and cables.
How funny. That truly does fit the definition of craps, then. 
+1 on the cables, too. We discovered my girlfriend's cat likes to gnaw on USB cables, too, so we ordered her five or six from Monoprice as spares for her WP7 phone.
There are sprays and deterrents available which do a decent job in the short term; the ones I have used generally last 2-3 weeks. However, if you get it in your mouth, the taste is beyond horrible.
I have catproofed the house after one cat chewed through the cables or cords of the following items in the first year of cat ownership: Three cordless phone A/C wires, two sets of earbuds, a cell phone charger, a set of Wii A/V cables, the phone line connecting the PC to the DSL, and a CD-i controller cable. Outside of losing a third set of earbuds due to my own stupidity, I have lost no cables in almost a year.