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Author Topic: LMAD Season 3...Changes?  (Read 4553 times)

Joe Mello

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LMAD Season 3...Changes?
« Reply #15 on: September 03, 2011, 11:34:25 AM »
Good news: looks like we have our first game of skill.  Bad news is...
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LMAD Season 3...Changes?
« Reply #16 on: September 03, 2011, 11:54:06 AM »
Bad news is what?
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LMAD Season 3...Changes?
« Reply #17 on: September 03, 2011, 09:34:52 PM »
I don't mind having only random-chance games on LMAD, I think it DOES distinguish them from what Drew & Co. are doing.  They've only begun to tap into game-playing possibilities that are totally based on luck.  An hour of "The box or the curtain?" gets old.

It would be nice if the random-chance things posed more interesting risks to the contestant. I saw something like How Much Is Enough? but it wasn't even as suspenseful as that--two traders were at a button and pushed the button to take the cash instead of the curtain. They went up from $500 to $1000, one hit the button, then the other got the curtain.

I would think they could replace pricing games with something that has a whiff of skill, even if it's Spot-the-Transvestite from Billy Bush's version. Even counting gumballs in a machine would have more play-along value than the Barry-Enright bonus-round kinds of things they do.

Recently, they did a bit with the contestant under a beauty-parlour hair dryer. It was your basic cash-or-curtain deal. The only reason the set-up existed was for Wayne to slay us with an effeminate-hairdresser character. Big fun, that.


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LMAD Season 3...Changes?
« Reply #18 on: September 03, 2011, 10:08:34 PM »
They did have at least one (semi-)skill game in Season 1.  A board was brought out with cards giving the names of various items in foreign languages.  You pick a card and you win whatever the card named.  At least there's some skill if you can recognize some words in foreign languages.  (If memory serves, at least two of them were French, which I immediately recognized.  So it wasn't as if they were all in languages so obscure that it would effectively be a guessing game.)
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