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Author Topic: Syndicated TV show thread, 2011-12  (Read 46092 times)

Esoteric Eric

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Syndicated TV show thread, 2011-12
« Reply #15 on: August 31, 2011, 10:26:46 AM »
Seattle / Tacoma:

Family Feud stays on KSTW (11 / CW) @ 9 and 9:30 AM, and 4 and 4:30 PM.

Wheel & Jeopardy! stay on KOMO (4 / ABC) @ 7 and 7:30 PM, respectively.

Millionaire moves from KONG (cable 6 / UHF 16 / IND) @ 6 and 6:30 PM to KSTW (11 / CW) @ 10 and 10:30 AM.
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Syndicated TV show thread, 2011-12
« Reply #16 on: August 31, 2011, 07:36:41 PM »
Portland, OR:

Jeopardy and Wheel stay at their usual 7 and 7:30 PM slot on KATU (still in glorious standard-definition!).

Unbe-friggin-lievable. The show's been in HD for what, 4 years now? Why are they still airing it in ugly 4:3?
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Syndicated TV show thread, 2011-12
« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2011, 07:37:40 PM »
Seattle / Tacoma:

Family Feud stays on KSTW (11 / CW) @ 9 and 9:30 AM, and 4 and 4:30 PM.

Wheel & Jeopardy! stay on KOMO (4 / ABC) @ 7 and 7:30 PM, respectively.

Millionaire moves from KONG (cable 6 / UHF 16 / IND) @ 6 and 6:30 PM to KSTW (11 / CW) @ 10 and 10:30 AM.

Two comments on this: one, very happy that Family Feud is continuing its double double run(one double run in the morning and one in the afternoon).

Two, very dissapointed that Millionaire is getting a downgrade in Seattle(at least to me). WWTBAM was on KONG from 2004(after KOMO dropped it) to now, and it seemed to be working well, so why change it? After looking on Zap2it.com to see what's replacing it, I have to say i'm very dissapointed with KONG TV; more court shows, and Nate Berkes's show are replacing it(one temporarily and then the latter permenately).

I would be curious to see what the Seattle market ratings were for Millionaire on KONG to see if maybe that's the reason it's getting dumped. Other then that, I can't think of another reason why they would dump it; it had a great timeslot, 6-7 PM which was perfect counterprogramming against the local and national news and sitcom reruns(plus I watched it every chance I got).

And of all the times to change it to, 10-11 AM, right up against TPIR on CBS/KIRO 7? It just doesn't make much sense. I really hope KSTW doesn't go through the whole season with this timeslot, because if it does, it's going to get ratings that aren't much better then Joe Farago's infomercial(hey, I included a game show reference :).

If I were running things I would put Millionaire's double run at 3-4 PM, right before Family Feud's double run, and you could still have two hours of game shows, which is always a good thing :)


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Syndicated TV show thread, 2011-12
« Reply #18 on: August 31, 2011, 09:51:08 PM »
Louisville market:

WWTBAM moves from WHAS (10-11AM) to WDRB (10-11AM) starting next week. No other changes.

Lexington market:

As of September 12th, no changes.



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Syndicated TV show thread, 2011-12
« Reply #19 on: September 01, 2011, 12:00:25 PM »
It was brought to my attention that per Zap2it, Millionaire's moving to WVBT, but still airing from 10-11 am.

Family Feud moves to 3 and 5:30 pm, still on WTVZ, but airs back-to-back with a new dating show called Excused. I'd heard a little about it, but it seems to be your standard dating competition show. Browsing around, it's from the same people who did Blind Date, so I'm guessing it could be a little more tongue-in-cheek than the other dating shows of the last, say, 10 years.

Here's the show site.

Wheel and Jeopardy! remain at 7-8 on WVEC...

Cash Cab reruns remain at midnight on WSKY, with another at 3 am. With Lyrics and 5th Grader canceled, I'd love to see 'SKY put at least one episode in either of the aforementioned shows' slots.
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Syndicated TV show thread, 2011-12
« Reply #20 on: September 01, 2011, 12:48:00 PM »
Two, very dissapointed that Millionaire is getting a downgrade in Seattle(at least to me). WWTBAM was on KONG from 2004(after KOMO dropped it) to now, and it seemed to be working well, so why change it?
You say it "seemed to be working well". I'm curious to know the basis you have to make that comment. Do you have access to local ratings or information about ad revenue?

'Cuz if you do, I'm sure those of us with an interest in the Seattle television market would find you to be an incredibly valuable resource.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Syndicated TV show thread, 2011-12
« Reply #21 on: September 01, 2011, 01:15:25 PM »
Two, very dissapointed that Millionaire is getting a downgrade in Seattle(at least to me). WWTBAM was on KONG from 2004(after KOMO dropped it) to now, and it seemed to be working well, so why change it?
A "downgrade in timeslot" (at least to me) is a slot where I can't watch the show because there are too many things on at that hour that I want to watch instead, so that my magic Tivo box can't grab the bronze medalist. I didn't much care for Millionaire/Pyramid airing at 4 in the afternoon because I was still at school and didn't have a magic box to watch it later.

KONG believes they can make more money running something other than one new and one stale episode of Millionaire at 6 o'clock. As long as I can still time-shift it, I'm not going to get upset.
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Syndicated TV show thread, 2011-12
« Reply #22 on: September 01, 2011, 05:55:00 PM »
Two, very dissapointed that Millionaire is getting a downgrade in Seattle(at least to me). WWTBAM was on KONG from 2004(after KOMO dropped it) to now, and it seemed to be working well, so why change it?
A "downgrade in timeslot" (at least to me) is a slot where I can't watch the show because there are too many things on at that hour that I want to watch instead, so that my magic Tivo box can't grab the bronze medalist. I didn't much care for Millionaire/Pyramid airing at 4 in the afternoon because I was still at school and didn't have a magic box to watch it later.

KONG believes they can make more money running something other than one new and one stale episode of Millionaire at 6 o'clock. As long as I can still time-shift it, I'm not going to get upset.

Good points TLEberle. Basically, the only real TV info I have is from my time in a Broadcast Production program at a technical college. Although I did get a chance to tour KOMO 4 and KCPQ/KMYQ 22's facilities during my time in school as sort of field trips as it were.

When I said it seemed to be working well on KONG, I basically meant that it was in a decent time slot(or at least it appeared to be to me) and probably that people who didn't want to watch the news or wanted something different then news or sitcom reruns could watch Millionaire. As I said in my previous post, that to me is good counterprogramming.

Another reason why it seemed to me that it was working well was because it was consistent. On the same station, at around the same time, pretty much like how Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy are on KOMO; Millionaire was on KONG in that 6-8 PM time frame since 2004, so 8 years of a show being on in the same time in syndication and on the same station(especially in this day and age) is pretty good.

The reason I said it was a downgrade was because I do some volunteer work during the day and am usually not home at 10 AM; in addition, most people are at work during that time of the day or school and can't really spend a half hour watching a game show.

6-7 PM was a better time slot for the show at least to me because most people are at home at that hour and the audience(at least to me) seemed like it would be bigger at that time of day then in the morning. Also, you mentioned Tivo, and while it is a fantastic thing to have, there are some households who don't have it(like mine) because they can't afford it.

That's the main reason why I said 6-7 PM was a better time for the show because the people who don't have DVR or Tivo can watch it everyday without recording it.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2011, 05:57:43 PM by 1984Gameshowsfan »


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Syndicated TV show thread, 2011-12
« Reply #23 on: September 01, 2011, 06:07:13 PM »
When I said it seemed to be working well on KONG, I basically meant that it was in a decent time slot(or at least it appeared to be to me)
In other words, complete ex rectum speculation without a shred of tangible proof to back up your claim.

Well, so much for the whole "valuable resource" thing.

and probably that people who didn't want to watch the news or wanted something different then news or sitcom reruns could watch Millionaire.
Well, now they can watch court shows.

As I said in my previous post, that to me is good counterprogramming.
And, rest assured, if said "good counterprogramming" were getting ratings and/or driving ad revenue, it would still be in that time slot.

That's the main reason why I said 6-7 PM was a better time for the show because the people who don't have DVR or Tivo can watch it everyday without recording it.
Yes. Apparently, they weren't.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Syndicated TV show thread, 2011-12
« Reply #24 on: September 01, 2011, 06:16:43 PM »
I doubt anything changes here in Hampton Roads (Norfolk/Newport News/Portsmouth, or whatever they officially call this DMA).

For the 28th year, the Wheel/Jeopardy! tandem continues from 7-8 pm on WVEC...that much I know.

I'm guessing Millionaire* remains on from 10-11 am on WTKR, sandwiched between Let's Make a Deal and TPiR. In years past, they've shown a new ep. at 4 pm and a secondary one at 10 or 10:30 am, but they've aired a 4pm newscast since Sept. 2009. With promos now telling viewers to watch their station with Oprah off the air**, I doubt they'll deviate from the 10-11 hour, esp. since it creates a nice 3-hour block of daytime games.

I'm also guessing Feud stays on from noon-1 on WTVZ, its same slot from the previous 2 seasons.

*Is Millionaire announcing that this is the 10th season?
**Sneaky cats, those 'TKR guys. ;-)

I'm in this same area, and this is pretty much expected.  I don't think Wheel/Jeopardy/Price have ever had different time slots.  Secondary airings, sure, but the times have always been the same.


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Syndicated TV show thread, 2011-12
« Reply #25 on: September 01, 2011, 06:26:30 PM »
The only change in the Des Moines area is Family Feud has finally been picked up after a multi-year absence. It'll air on KDSM 17 (FOX) with a 10:00 AM double run.

No changes with the lineup at WHO 13 (NBC). Millionaire at 3:00 PM, Jeopardy! at 3:30 PM and WOF at 6:30 PM

WOI 5 (ABC), KCCI 8 (CBS) and KCWI 23 (CW) will continue to be silent on the syndie GS front.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2011, 06:27:44 PM by J.R. »
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Joe Mello

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Syndicated TV show thread, 2011-12
« Reply #26 on: September 01, 2011, 06:56:32 PM »
Pittsburgh: Some time during the year, Millionaire moved from 1:30PM to 2:30 on WPXI (swapped with Today).  Looks like it's going to stay that way.

WPCW has been plugging Family Feud moving from the 2PM hour to the 7PM hour.  Seeing as the aforementioned WPXI airs the J!/WoF combo at that time, it raised my eyebrow.
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Syndicated TV show thread, 2011-12
« Reply #27 on: September 02, 2011, 02:55:09 AM »
Here's what I have here in Erie, PA so far:

Feud double run remains at 3pm on WFXP (Fox)
Millionaire double run remains on WFXP, but moves from 2pm to replace 5th Grader at 4pm
Wheel and J! remain in the 7pm hour on WSEE (CBS)

I no longer have WUAB via Time Warner Cable, so I won't check that.  I have superstations WWOR and WPIX from back home in the New York City area on Dish Network, but I'll leave NYC changes, if there are any, to those who currently live there.
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Syndicated TV show thread, 2011-12
« Reply #28 on: September 02, 2011, 03:15:00 AM »
John, for now everything appears the same- WABC keeps Millionaire at 12:30 and the J!/Wheel combo at 7 and 7:30 while WWOR keeps Feud and WLNY carries J! and Wheel two hours earlier. I'm willing to bet if any of those shows moves it'll be Feud because there's an open spot at 2 that I'm not sure if Jeremy Kyle will fill.
I suppose you can still learn stuff on TLC, though it would be more in the Goofus & Gallant sense, that is (don't do what these parents did)"- Travis Eberle, 2012

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Syndicated TV show thread, 2011-12
« Reply #29 on: September 02, 2011, 07:50:03 AM »
Just a note to everyone this might pertain to:

Millionaire is indeed now in HD.  We pulled it down at my station (no, I don't know what happens) at discovered this.  So, if you have an HDTV and DVR it or whatever, adjust your settings accordingly.

/Already have a season recording set for the HD version of my station, yay!