Seattle / Tacoma:
Family Feud stays on KSTW (11 / CW) @ 9 and 9:30 AM, and 4 and 4:30 PM.
Wheel & Jeopardy! stay on KOMO (4 / ABC) @ 7 and 7:30 PM, respectively.
Millionaire moves from KONG (cable 6 / UHF 16 / IND) @ 6 and 6:30 PM to KSTW (11 / CW) @ 10 and 10:30 AM.
Two comments on this: one, very happy that Family Feud is continuing its double double run(one double run in the morning and one in the afternoon).
Two, very dissapointed that Millionaire is getting a downgrade in Seattle(at least to me). WWTBAM was on KONG from 2004(after KOMO dropped it) to now, and it seemed to be working well, so why change it? After looking on to see what's replacing it, I have to say i'm very dissapointed with KONG TV; more court shows, and Nate Berkes's show are replacing it(one temporarily and then the latter permenately).
I would be curious to see what the Seattle market ratings were for Millionaire on KONG to see if maybe that's the reason it's getting dumped. Other then that, I can't think of another reason why they would dump it; it had a great timeslot, 6-7 PM which was perfect counterprogramming against the local and national news and sitcom reruns(plus I watched it every chance I got).
And of all the times to change it to, 10-11 AM, right up against TPIR on CBS/KIRO 7? It just doesn't make much sense. I really hope KSTW doesn't go through the whole season with this timeslot, because if it does, it's going to get ratings that aren't much better then Joe Farago's infomercial(hey, I included a game show reference

If I were running things I would put Millionaire's double run at 3-4 PM, right before Family Feud's double run, and you could still have two hours of game shows, which is always a good thing