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Author Topic: GSN makes Big Primetime Changes  (Read 20652 times)


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GSN makes Big Primetime Changes
« Reply #30 on: October 28, 2011, 01:50:35 PM »

To not show credits is illegal

To make such a claim as this gets you detention and/or suspension in whatever school you're using a computer from.
In loving memory of my father, Curtis Fenner 4/29/44-8/13/15


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GSN makes Big Primetime Changes
« Reply #31 on: October 28, 2011, 02:11:53 PM »
To not show credits is illegal
Um, no. Not even close.

and don't talk about me behind my back! GOT IT!

I've been over at the GSN boards since 2001.
Did you start there already off the deep end, or did it happen at some point along the way?
« Last Edit: October 28, 2011, 02:12:08 PM by clemon79 »
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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GSN makes Big Primetime Changes
« Reply #32 on: October 28, 2011, 02:25:09 PM »
To not show credits is illegal
That means all four of Seattle's local news broadcasts violate "the law" about eight times a day. And you're the one telling us to grow up.

(Where did that little gem about legality of credits come from? Some basement dwelling reprobate?)
If you didn’t create it, it isn’t your content.

Chelsea Thrasher

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GSN makes Big Primetime Changes
« Reply #33 on: October 28, 2011, 03:32:45 PM »
To not show credits is illegal and don't talk about me behind my back! GOT IT! I've been over at the GSN boards since 2001.  

As of 10/28/2011, there is no legislation on the books covering the proper display of television program credits in the United States of America or in the state of California.  Given that GSN has been cutting to the next program during the middle of the credits for *six* years, and given that they're typically between the 40th and 50th most watched TV network in America, (putting them in the upper third of programming choices) it stands to reason if they were in violation of some arcane rule about the transmission of credits that they'd have been fined already. Other countries, territories, and locales may have varying legislation, but there's no federal or California law regarding the matter.  At this point, If you're going to continue to assert otherwise, please provide the relevant code or statute number.  

And as someone who's been a participating member of the aforementioned GSN-hosted forum for just as long as you have: What's your point? Do you think tenure on another forum, let alone one as migraine-inducing, automatically gives you some sort of advanced standing here?  When you move from one site to another, regardless of the field of discussion, on a *good day* you have to build your credibility nearly anew.  And for what it's worth, one's opinion doesn't automatically become more valid due to longevity.  Ten years just means you have endurance on the subject matter, not that anything actually said is valid.

Also, whoever the hell started the rumors about me as VP of Programming need to grow up.  Where is that coming from?
I said someone who interviewed with the network who was a big believer  in variety and restoring the classics.  Enough with the rumors and  backstabbing of people.  
I can't think of a single thing (three links, read all three) you've said that would give people the impression you considered yourself a candidate for the position. Nope, nothing.

Classics are on their last legs right now through my constant communications with David Goldhill because financially they aren't helping the network.  
I don't have access to GSN's financials, but I seriously doubt it cost GSN too terribly much to lease the approx. 400 episodes each of Feud, Match Game, Card Sharks, and Pyramid that they currently have broadcast rights to.

The current lease for Pyramid was signed in 2009 and based on present and past timeslots (stronger slots = greater ad revenue) and who's advertising during the program they've already more than paid for themselves. Ratings are strong, ad sales appears to be going well.  It's doing quite well for itself. As for the other three? 1200 episodes out of the immense Goodson library, even if Fremantle got a little overconfident in their asking price, just isn't going to cost *that* much compared to leasing most any other show.

In the two years of the current lease the shows have had even worse slots than Pyramid (vintage Feud only screens at 9a ET on weekdays, after all), and even with no promotion and in the worst slots on the schedule grid they still draw relatively strong numbers given the time of day, demographics involved, and the network's profile.  Fun fact: A show airing at 9a Eastern (6a Pacific) typically won't generate the same ad revenue as a show airing at 9p Eastern (6p Pacific). Imagine that.

Maybe some of you should try talking to executives at GSN like I have been doing for the past few months.  They respond to emails.
I'd actually be more than willing to do this. I get a genuine thrill out of being proven wrong. Assuming they (Mr. Goldhill specifically) actually have spoken to you, I'd love to know what they've actually said to you. I get the distinct impression (again, having been a GSN.com forums member for ten years myself) that if there actually was a message, that either part of it was misunderstood or ignored.  

All of you GROW UP!!!
Exactly how do you think grown ups actually communicate their disagreements with one another?  Because so far all I see are a bunch of people calling shenanigans and asking for proof of claims that range between questionable and outright baffling...and someone whose response was to repeat those claims over again, accuse people of "backstabbing" (We're not...we're confronting you to your face, the polar opposite of backstabbing), and then tell people to grow up.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2011, 03:34:26 PM by Seth Thrasher »


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GSN makes Big Primetime Changes
« Reply #34 on: October 28, 2011, 03:39:30 PM »
This was also the same person who said that his teacher told him that credit crunchers are illegal, and that he thinks he has every right to speak for everyone.

To not show credits is illegal and don't talk about me behind my back! GOT IT! I've been over at the GSN boards since 2001.
I work in news, and have done so for more than 6 years. I've also worked on a few talk shows for the local PBS station. In all the time I've spent working on newscasts and talk shows, I think my name has shown up in the credits approximately once. ESPN doesn't show them at all, except during their movies and documentaries, and come to think of it, neither do the cable news channels. If what you're saying is true, then about 95% of the TV stations or networks in this country would be subject to an FCC investigation.

And yes, I'd love to see my name at the end of the show. Hell, I'd love to see closing credits get the 20-30 seconds they deserve, instead of being reduced to between 1/2-1/8 of the screen. But, it appears I'm in the minority, so I have no choice but to move on. The networks that practice credit squeezing usually get skipped on my remote. Problem solved.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2011, 03:42:25 PM by fostergray82 »
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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GSN makes Big Primetime Changes
« Reply #35 on: October 28, 2011, 06:13:33 PM »
So basically what everyone is saying is that little old me can't know anything about what is going on at GSN.  Ok, believe what you want.  

I have a list of 10 people including family and friends who work from GSN who are employed who talk with me.  I wonder where the information is coming from now?  Nobody is or never will be named. I never should have said a word to anyone about what was going on, but I felt I needed to with the classic fans at least.

And I said I wished I was able to be programming director, not going to be.  There is a major slander issue going on over here for putting words in my mouth in which I never said.  Falsely accusing people of things they aren't doing along with attacking them are not called for.  

Nobody should be attacked for sharing information that they received for nothing.  Matt, I would hope you say the same.  As the moderator on this board, I would like what people are saying to be cleaned up and taken down or we will have an issue.  There shouldn't be any attacking of people on any board for any reason whatsoever.

In regards to credits, you need to have some form of credits beginning or ending with a show on tv which could also be some form of an opening title.  If you want the tv teachers and professors information for this, I guess the 3 colleges and high schools in my area are teaching wrong information in classrooms and lectures today! I'm not saying everyone has to be listed, but there needs to be some form. To the person bringing up this stupid issue from 6 years ago, not called for.  You clearly aren't understanding what I was saying at all.


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GSN makes Big Primetime Changes
« Reply #36 on: October 28, 2011, 06:36:45 PM »
So basically what everyone is saying is that little old me can't know anything about what is going on at GSN.
No, I believe I called you out with regard to one very specific issue.

In regards to credits, you need to have some form of credits beginning or ending with a show on tv which could also be some form of an opening title.  If you want the tv teachers and professors information for this
Yes. Yes, I do. I would like to know their sources.

I guess the 3 colleges and high schools in my area are teaching wrong information in classrooms and lectures today!
If this is in fact what they are teaching, yes, this is the case.

You're a fun little monkey, you are!
« Last Edit: October 28, 2011, 06:37:13 PM by clemon79 »
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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GSN makes Big Primetime Changes
« Reply #37 on: October 28, 2011, 07:32:46 PM »
May I?

So basically what everyone is saying is that little old me can't know anything about what is going on at GSN.

No, everyone is saying you don't. Not that you can't, that you don't. Difference.

I have a list of 10 people including family and friends who work from GSN who are employed who talk with me.

I think that number may be exaggerated. And if they're talking to you about I have a feeling they might be in violation of their employment contracts.

I wonder where the information is coming from now?

...didn't you just tell us?

I never should have said a word to anyone about what was going on, but I felt I needed to with the classic fans at least.

Contradictory much?

And I said I wished I was able to be programming director, not going to be.  There is a major slander issue going on over here for putting words in my mouth in which I never said.  Falsely accusing people of things they aren't doing along with attacking them are not called for.  

The term you're looking for is "libel" and good luck making that stand up in court.

Nobody should be attacked for sharing information that they received for nothing.  Matt, I would hope you say the same.  As the moderator on this board, I would like what people are saying to be cleaned up and taken down or we will have an issue.  There shouldn't be any attacking of people on any board for any reason whatsoever.

1) that's not the reason why you're being "attacked"
2) threats will ALWAYS get you what you want...

In regards to credits, you need to have some form of credits beginning or ending with a show on tv which could also be some form of an opening title.

More to the point, the bolded portion invalidates your entire point. As long as the opening title is intact, then you have no reason to complain.

I'm not saying everyone has to be listed, but there needs to be some form.

And according to your contradictory statements, there is. So stop whining.

To the person bringing up this stupid issue from 6 years ago, not called for.

You know, YOU didn't have to come here and try to defend yourself, you know.

You clearly aren't understanding what I was saying at all.

How can you say that when you don't even understand what you're saying.
I suppose you can still learn stuff on TLC, though it would be more in the Goofus & Gallant sense, that is (don't do what these parents did)"- Travis Eberle, 2012

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GSN makes Big Primetime Changes
« Reply #38 on: October 28, 2011, 07:52:23 PM »
I have a list of 10 people including family and friends who work from GSN who are employed who talk with me.  I wonder where the information is coming from now?  Nobody is or never will be named. I never should have said a word to anyone about what was going on, but I felt I needed to with the classic fans at least.


Phil V

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GSN makes Big Primetime Changes
« Reply #39 on: October 28, 2011, 08:15:34 PM »
And I said I wished I was able to be programming director, not going to be.  There is a major slander issue going on over here for putting words in my mouth in which I never said.  Falsely accusing people of things they aren't doing along with attacking them are not called for.
Ooo, I want this one!

Black's Law Dictionary, (9th ed. 2009), slander:
1. A defamatory assertion expressed in a transitory form, esp. speech. • Damages for slander — unlike those for libel — are not presumed and thus must be proved by the plaintiff.
2. The act of making such a statement. See DEFAMATION. Cf. LIBEL

Black's Law Dictionary, (9th ed. 2009), libel:
1. A defamatory statement expressed in a fixed medium, especially writing but also a picture, sign, or electronic broadcast.

Since you clearly meant libel, by your own twisted logic, every time someone points out a flaw in another person's argument, the former is guilty of libel, which would mean that virtually every person in the country could be sued for it.  I don't think disagreement equates to defamation, even for someone as thin-skinned as you.

For someone who claims that they have and use reliable sources, you clearly, uh, don't use reliable sources when you argue/whine/whatever.

I would like what people are saying to be cleaned up and taken down or we will have an issue.
I'd say there already is an issue.
Due to an error in judgment, a contestant's post was removed and the thread edited.


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GSN makes Big Primetime Changes
« Reply #40 on: October 28, 2011, 10:10:54 PM »
I don't think disagreement equates to defamation, even for someone as thin-skinned as you.
Because it doesn't. Now I could defame you while disagreeing with you, but the two aren't necessarily overlapping sets. And even then you have to prove damages in some way. "That guy hurt my feelings" is not damages.
If you didn’t create it, it isn’t your content.


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GSN makes Big Primetime Changes
« Reply #41 on: October 28, 2011, 10:19:35 PM »
I have a list of 10 people including family and friends who work from GSN who are employed who talk with me.  I wonder where the information is coming from now?  Nobody is or never will be named.
First it was a 3 people, then it was David Goldhill, and now it's 10 Friends and Family Members who are telling you stuff. I wonder what excuse you will use next.

I never should have said a word to anyone about what was going on, but I felt I needed to with the classic fans at least.
You actually didn't say anything, at first. It was "Billycw" who was the first to say something. Then for whatever reason, you wanted to jump on his bandwagon.

Now for some advice. This coming from someone who knows first hand. Step back, take a breath, and step away from the computer before you did an even bigger hole for yourself.


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GSN makes Big Primetime Changes
« Reply #42 on: October 29, 2011, 03:36:28 PM »
I see it as GSN trying to schedule as your other cable networks are doing: marathon-style block programming where the shows are more of a weekly than a daily.  Spaghetti programming but it's different and gives them the option to try some different shows.

Regarding the old v. new - the problem is always going to be that you have a smaller subset that wants more of the classics... and unless GSN Classic is introduced, the reality is that it ain't going to happen.

/FACEO: Seriously?  Defamation?  "Good luck!  You're going to need it!"

Tim L

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GSN makes Big Primetime Changes
« Reply #43 on: October 30, 2011, 11:28:41 AM »
INow for some advice. This coming from someone who knows first hand. Step back, take a breath, and step away from the computer before you did an even bigger hole for yourself.

Too Late..

Guys like Face are the main reason I don't go to the GSN boards anymore..

Phil V

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GSN makes Big Primetime Changes
« Reply #44 on: November 04, 2011, 11:12:24 AM »
So, based on the buzzerblog schedules, are the $25K and $100K Pyramids still from the same block of episodes they've already been airing?
Due to an error in judgment, a contestant's post was removed and the thread edited.