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Author Topic: hey guys I've noticed something....  (Read 5558 times)


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hey guys I've noticed something....
« on: June 22, 2003, 08:36:16 PM »
When I was watching some Russian Roulette 2nd season reruns at 11:00 pm est/8:00 pm pst last week, I noticed some display saying \"Contestants needed..(call this 1-800 number) etc\"when the show returns from a commercial break.  Do you think that there is a probable third season of Russian Roulette in the wings?


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hey guys I've noticed something....
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2003, 09:22:10 PM »
GSN contestant calls are not necessarily intended for the show they air during. I remember seeing it once during Match Game...


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hey guys I've noticed something....
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2003, 11:14:27 PM »
Yep, I definitely agree with Chris on this one.  Contestant ads air on all kinds of different shows during primetime (I've never seen them during the day).

So, what could this mean?  Well, it means we're definitely going to see another season of some existing show and possibly a new show.  So, for all we know, we could be getting another year of \"Friend or Foe\" (cringes), \"Lingo\" (jumps for joy), or maybe \"Russian Roulette\" (stays put).  I don't think it will be for \"Whammy!,\" \"Cram,\" or \"Funny Money\" because each either is currently airing episodes or began its rerun cycle, and we know the rerun cycle usually last for 1-2 complete cycles before renewal.

However, I wouldn't count out new episodes of \"WinTuition\" either; after all, we all saw what happened to \"Whammy,\" right?  Hopefully, they can fix it up because I didn't mind that show, honestly!

But, who knows?  We'll either have to wait and see or have one of us call that line (anybody here live in or plan to be in the LA area anytime soon?).  However, if any of you do find out, do tell!

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hey guys I've noticed something....
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2003, 02:59:12 PM »
The recorded message phone number for GSN contestant and audience information is, per their web site:


Using my AT&T calling card so I wouldn't get in trouble for making a long distance call at work, I called the number and except for \"Funny Money\" taping at Universal, there's pretty much nothing going on right now.

However, if the number you saw on \"RR\" was a toll-free number, that could be \"RR\" calling for contestants, since their contestant number was an 888 number, IIRC.