[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'142770\' date=\'Jan 10 2007, 06:58 PM\']
[quote name=\'BrentW\' post=\'142765\' date=\'Jan 10 2007, 03:38 PM\']
"Detoured traffic" is questionable. 'Detoured' shows up online as being synonymous with "alternate route" or "being routed in a different fashion." So I think that would get zapped. But I could be wrong; I'm not here to throw tomatoes. :-) All are fab clues.
Oh, you may be right. Personally, I thought people were gonna bitch about the newspaper one. It's close, though, since they are not direct synonyms: "detour" is to divert from an obstacle, where "route" is merely the planning of a path. So they might buzz me, but I'd fight tooth and nail for it.

See...I thought of "detoured traffic" as well, but I felt that one better fit the word "REROUTED".
This would have been an interesting '80-90's era box as "internal network traffic" would have more than likely seen blank stares.