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Author Topic: A random (but not-OT) question  (Read 2436 times)

Game Show Man

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A random (but not-OT) question
« on: December 27, 2011, 08:43:07 AM »
I don't know why I got to thinking about this, and I don't know that this has ever been seriously asked here, but whatever happened to the Forrest twins, aka Cheerleaders Jackie and Sammi from Fun House?  We all know what happened to J.D. Roth, but it seems like the Forrest twins just dropped off the face of the Earth.  Maybe just as well, but I'm curious anyways.

/can someone please make the boy stop producing bad reality shows?
"Game Show Man" Joe Van Ginkel
"Remember, reality bites, so WATCH MORE GAME SHOWS!"


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A random (but not-OT) question
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2011, 12:26:13 PM »
I don't know why I got to thinking about this, and I don't know that this has ever been seriously asked here, but whatever happened to the Forrest twins, aka Cheerleaders Jackie and Sammi from Fun House?  We all know what happened to J.D. Roth, but it seems like the Forrest twins just dropped off the face of the Earth.  Maybe just as well, but I'm curious anyways.

/can someone please make the boy stop producing bad reality shows?
I know they were on an episode of Who's The Boss in the early 90s...
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