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Author Topic: Supermarket Sweep  (Read 2208 times)


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Supermarket Sweep
« on: December 30, 2011, 07:23:02 AM »
Hi everyone, happy holidays!

I found out a few weeks ago that a coworker was on the Canadian version of Supermarket Sweep.  She and her brother played (IIRC) and their downfall was not finding the Molly McButter.  

The reason I have posted is just to ask if anyone knows who holds the rights to Supermarket Sweep.  On the GameTV reruns it says Fremantle but I can't find any reference to the show on their website.  I was hoping that perhaps somewhere in our esteemed membership who might know the answer or perhaps might know how I might go about getting the episode (Randy - maybe you know someone?).  She has watched through the GameTV reruns but with no luck.

Thanks in advance for any help you could give me!

Ryan :)


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Supermarket Sweep
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2011, 12:51:07 PM »
In the 1960s, the American version of Supermarket Sweep was produced by Al Howard, in association with Talent Associates (which was owned by TV mogul David Susskind).  Talent Associates was also responsible for the 1965-1970 sitcom series, 'Get Smart', starring Don Adams.

In 1990, Al Howard got the rights to 'Supermarket Sweep' and fronted a brand-new version for Lifetime (Television for Women), debuting on 2/5/1990.  By 1998, it left the airwaves (after four years of re-runs), only to return to PAX-TV in 2000.  The show ran until mid-2004 (I think)--when they aired their 1,000th and final show (if memory serves me correctly).

Having checked www.davidruprecht.com, on Aisle 8 (Frequently Asked Questions), Al Howard owns the rights to the show.