This past Sunday, I tuned in to TVA's sneak preview of their new daily game show, "Le tricheur" (The Cheater), which replaces the 5-year old "Le cercle". 5 celebrities play for charity; one of them is "the cheater" — they're fed the correct answer to every question. If they're smart, they'll fake-flub some questions to deflect suspicion. The show is a standard-issue celebrity game; it's linear and repetitive, and would certainly benefit from a couple of extra twists.
What I wasn't prepared for was the set. The sneak preview started with a segment before the game, with everyone in street clothes next to the back wall yukking it up and playing Basil Exposition to convey key points of the game. While I took note of the rules, what grabbed my attention was the animated set: was it rear projection? Front projection? Green screen?
Then the game started.
Oh. My. God. A clever combination of set design, lighting, and amazing front projection turned the set into an eye-popping, dynamic, colorful, animated environment. I had serious ('80s) TRON flashbacks. I later learned that Moment Factory, the Montreal team who created the set, will team up with Cirque du Soleil to produce Cher's halftime show at the Super Bowl. Here are some links for your optical pleasure; just remember it's even better during the actual show, with all the sound effects.
Moment Factory - Le tricheurMaking OfSure looks like TRON, doesn't it?

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