Seriously, guys, if Mr. Holland Lacking an Opus isn't modded...why?
You could cut the irony with a knife.
Oh sure, when in doubt take potshots at me, it always works.
Getting really old.
I see how this works now...Party A gets dumped on by Party B, so Party A dumps on Party C. Soon the whole place turns into a alphabet soup of dumping.
You have it backwards. Party A is me, Party B is you, Party C is Kevin- so since Kevin is talking about me, it's C dumping on A.
chris, seriously, you don't need to be the forum comedian. You come off, at least in my HO, as trying too hard. And that's not really good, considering that most, if not all, of what you contribute is those attempts.
I really shouldn't be as hard on you, I admit, but I just feel weird reading what you say. It's a "what's he gonna do this time" and not necessarily in a good get people talking vibe. I would say dial it back a bit, talk more topically, and things would be cooler. Not saying listen to me, but it might help to at least consider.