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Author Topic: TPIR April Fool show question  (Read 5116 times)


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TPIR April Fool show question
« Reply #15 on: March 08, 2012, 02:01:14 AM »
Some really dig it and others frown. I think a terrific AFD gag would be to build up this enormous deal and then have Drew forget to do whatever it was.
Sounds a lot like the 10,000 gag last year, which I seemed to love more than most.

The whole problem with the "10,000 gag" (as far as I was concerned, anyway) was that they spent the whole show building it up just for it to end with absolutely zero payoff.  Both showcases had cars... I was expecting the gag to be saying the winner won the 10,000th car given away on the show, unfurling a banner, dropping balloons and confetti and making it seem like a much bigger deal than it really was.  And unless you're a Fremantle employee or Zach Horan, you can only estimate exactly how many cars TPiR has given away in roughly 7,000 shows.

(Granted, it still wouldn't have been funny, mind you, but it still would've been a much better ending for all the  buildup than "Well, the 10,000 thing didn't happen, sorry, bye.")

Kevin Prather

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TPIR April Fool show question
« Reply #16 on: March 08, 2012, 03:42:37 AM »
(Granted, it still wouldn't have been funny, mind you, but it still would've been a much better ending for all the  buildup than "Well, the 10,000 thing didn't happen, sorry, bye.")
Except that was the whole point of the 10,000 gag.


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TPIR April Fool show question
« Reply #17 on: March 08, 2012, 05:21:42 AM »
The 1st Drew AFD show was alright. Not subtle, but still not as outlandish. The Mimi Bobeck Memorial Show was way too much. I love Kathy Kinney as much as the next person (or am I alone?), but they went overboard with that. This last one was cute. A bit over the top, but cute. The thing about that show was that while they beat you over the head with the fact that it was April Fools Day, they didn't at the same time. The words "April Fools Day" weren't mentioned until the absolute end. They even referenced Rachel driving into Door 3 (albeit destroying the whole door was...shocking). And seeing the Big Wheel taken down and through Door 2 while Dig We Must played in full on-air was a nice little geek out moment.

As for this year, they'll probably opt to give it a break. April Fools is one of those holidays where it kind of has to be done on the day for it to be effective. Celebrating it before or after and going for that subtlety or outlandishness makes you look weird and crazy.

For an April Fools Day back in the 70s (I want to say 1975), the show had a chaos filled showcase that included an organ and a television flying into each other at breakneck speed. Now that would be something to do on another April Fools Day.

/Okay, maybe "breakneck speed" is an exaggeration.
//They still exploded.
///And April Fools Day on Palm Sunday? Church ought to be fun.
Me: Of all of the game shows you've hosted besides Jeopardy!, like High Rollers or Classic Concentration, which is your favorite?
Alex Trebek: I'd have to say To Tell The Truth, because it was the first time in my career that I got to sit down while I was hosting.


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TPIR April Fool show question
« Reply #18 on: March 08, 2012, 09:15:16 AM »
(I believe the contestant was offered three toy cars, only for Bob to eventually reveal three real Geo Metros).
But you repeat yourself.

/Geo Metro owner, 1991-1996
Speaking as somebody whose Geo Metro threw a piston rod through the entire engine - yup, both hamsters - you have my sympathy.

When I was 5, my parents were at a Geo dealership looking at cars. When my father was looking under the hood of a Metro, I asked where the engine was. When it was pointed out what the engine was, I said I thought it was the air conditioner.
"It's for £50,000. If you want to, you may remove your trousers."


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TPIR April Fool show question
« Reply #19 on: March 08, 2012, 03:50:23 PM »
For an April Fools Day back in the 70s (I want to say 1975), the show had a chaos filled showcase that included an organ and a television flying into each other at breakneck speed.
Indeed it did. Proof:

One video comment says the organ (thumbnail, above) is a Mattel Optigan, and based on pictures here it most closely resembles the 35001 or 35002 model.
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TPIR April Fool show question
« Reply #20 on: March 08, 2012, 10:31:04 PM »
What I meant was, don't be as over-the-top and as in-your-face as Drew's TPIR has been about the gimmick. Make more sense now?
I knew what you meant, I'm saying it doesn't matter. You can't make humor by plugging variables into a spreadsheet, otherwise you'll get "Gilligan and the rabid lawn mower were spelunking and the bartender asked 'Why the long face?'" I'm sure there were plenty of people out there who dug the over-the-topness and hope for more of the same.
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