"what, you want to go to college, are you too good for this family?", it gets a whole lot closer to "trailer park."
The two college storylines, that I recall, involved Roseanne getting pissed at Darlene because she turned down a high-paying job while she was in her art school. (She only protested to the art school in the first place because she was underage, not graduated, going farther away and going with a boy.) The other one involved Becky being mad because they had no funds
for her to go to school. (They later gave her a check for a class at the community college, which she promptly handed to Mark for
his training.) I don't recall any "lolwut, college?" instances going on, but an actual portrayal about how they
did want her to go on to do better than they had... they just simply couldn't help as much as they wish they could.
I believe you're thinking of Rick Santorum's sitcom.