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Author Topic: Quizzard  (Read 2768 times)


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« on: April 29, 2012, 01:24:07 AM »
Hey all. I have the $ale of the Century game from 1986, but the buzzer system is out. Will the generic "quizzard" fit in with the 1986 $ale game nicely? I don't want to drop $20-$30 only to find out it won't fit into the game.


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« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2012, 01:30:31 AM »
Nahh, it won't. The standalone Quizzard has arms made of hard plastic instead of just the six wires used to connect the buzzers to the hub in the Sale version.

I mean, I suppose if you wanted to try to separate the arms from the plastic thing, leaving just the wires behind, you could. I don't know if I'd risk it, though.
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« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2012, 01:37:52 AM »
What you do is you go to Amazon and buy an Eggspert. You'll pay roughly the same amount of money and you get a lockout device that doesn't eat a bag of dicks.
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« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2012, 01:58:06 AM »
Even if he *did* separate the guts out of a Quizzard, the buzzers proper aren't going to fit in the hexagonal cutouts for them in the board, and draping the wires over the top would defeat the point.

Travis, tell us a little more about the Eggspert? Like, the stuff we can't get from the Amazon entry. Sound, buzzer effect, etc.?
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2012, 02:10:14 AM »
Travis, tell us a little more about the Eggspert? Like, the stuff we can't get from the Amazon entry. Sound, buzzer effect, etc.?
Why, I'd be glad to. You can plug in up to six eggs into the main body (and you can remove as many as you want, so if you need a Family Feud buzzer, you can have it). The buttons are squishy, but you can slap the egg-half down and it will light your lamp. The sound is either a voice (which I haven't used), a bell-chime, or you can turn the sound all the way down to zero and just tell who buzzed by the light. You can actually pick up your egg-half and hold it in your hand and squeeze it like a stress ball to buzz if you like.

The host has his own white egg to put the current player's light out and put everyone back in play, and you can set a time limit from zero to 15 seconds in five second steps (a timer bleeps out the time if you pick time limit and have sound on)

There's a few other things like a random contestant picker that I haven't looked at, but if you want something for a quick draw buzzer game I highly recommend this bit of kit. There's a more expensive wireless pods version, but I don't think you need that unless you're playing at a convention.
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« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2012, 02:15:12 AM »
There's a few other things like a random contestant picker that I haven't looked at, but if you want something for a quick draw buzzer game I highly recommend this bit of kit. There's a more expensive wireless pods version, but I don't think you need that unless you're playing at a convention.
And even then, seems like a few stereo headset extension cords from Monoprice would do most of that job for a lot less.

Since the trigger is just a switch closing across a 1/8" jack, seems like it would be pretty trivial for someone electronically inclined to rig up different buttons if you didn't like the egg halves, too. Interesting.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2012, 09:40:43 PM »
I have an eggspert, and it works great.  Has a bit of a kiddie feel to it, but you can't beat the price for a lockout buzzer, and it takes up to six players!

The random picker works just fine as well, and you can set it for anywhere from 2-6 for the picker to pick from in case you have less than six players.

I forget how many batteries it takes, and don't know how long the batteries last; however it does have an ac jack, but doesn't come with a plug, but you can buy a universal at radiocrap or elsewhere, perhaps Amazon as well.

The complaints in the reviews I read before I bought mine had something about short contestant cords, but I didn't think they were too short.

Yes, it does make a sound when you buzz in, and there's even an option of a timer to go with it so if you want to set up for a contestant to have 5 or 10 seconds to respond after buzzing in, that's there too, but the noise is annoying.

in short, it's a bit cheesy, but it works.