That's what I love about this ATGS, even bringing up the name of PYL would cause everyone to immediately grab their flame retardent suits!

Here, we can actually discuss it intelligently.
I don't know...PYL gets a bad wrap IMO. Yes, I'm a late 20s who remembers the show fondly from childhood, but I don't think that's why the show appeals to so many. PYL had all of the elements of a fun game show. An easy game, lots of unnecessary glitz, a great set, a great host and a great theme song. It was just damned exciting to watch and it was one of the first shows that really used technology as the "draw" for the game.
It is not brain surgery, but there are very few game shows that are. HR and TJW are considered classics among most of us and these games were also mostly based on luck. They might have had some trivia element, but the ?'s were very elementary in nature...not tough stuff. Speed and luck were the predominate factors...especially in HR.
PYL is just...entertaining. It was a concept that worked for whatever reason and I'll take it for that. Flaws in the game or not, people watched and continue to watch...that defines a success in my opinion.
To be honest, I think Whammy! is the rare occurence where pretty major changes to the format actually improved upon the original concept. The only issues I have with Whammy! are just a few minor points with the execution...most of which can be attributed to the inherent cheesy nature of a cable game show. I'd love to see Fremantle take Whammy! into syndication and do it up right.