And it's good to hear you folks don't go out of your way to write your own material for a Password game,
Why would we do that? That would be terribly impractical: whoever "wrote" the material couldn't play. I dislike the "no-brainer" words: the ones that there's an absolute lay-up clue for 'em, and all it does is give a free point to the team with control. That's way worse than a word you have to struggle and claw over.
A couple of years ago I was playing Password with some HS friends. My partner had given clues of "crochet," "quilting," "pattern," and the like, and seeing that the word just wasn't getting there decided to start cluing parts of the word, so I got "hypodermic," "gesture" and "score." Since these clues came with no warning that I should be building a word instead of just trying to guess it whole, I had no idea that the word was
"needlepoint," and it went dead. There's a way to tell your partner "don't listen to that guy's clue, he's an idiot," but not "we're approaching this piecemeal," and I think there oughta be.