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Author Topic: Easy shows that lasted a long time....  (Read 12765 times)


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Easy shows that lasted a long time....
« Reply #30 on: December 15, 2003, 03:47:01 PM »
Probably not. People would get bored.

As I stated before, Winning Lines is pretty easy, if you're a math buff. You don't have to be a total math buff, but you just have to be a plain math buff. No Calculus, Geometry or Algebra involved. Just plain basic math, right guys?

And it all comes down to your general knowledge and pop culture trivia on the Wonderwall. The only hard thing is when you're sitting at home, and the answers are scrolling back and forth, and you can't find the answer and its number before the player does. In the studio, it's easier. The answers don't scroll, they're right in front of you. All you have to do is find them and their numbers.


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Easy shows that lasted a long time....
« Reply #31 on: December 15, 2003, 03:47:17 PM »
[quote name=\'cmjb13\' date=\'Dec 15 2003, 03:39 PM\'] [quote name=\'Brandon Brooks\' date=\'Dec 13 2003, 01:11 AM\'][quote name=\'starcade\' date=\'Dec 12 2003, 06:14 PM\'] I think the easy show that has lasted a long time is easy...

TPiR [/quote]
You see, TPIR isn't really all that easy, which makes me wonder why it has lasted so long, at least in its current iteration.  It ain't just guess the price; it's a lot more.  I mean, it isn't rocket science, but all those mini games, some with complicated rules, like Temptation, Fortune hunter, etc. makes it seemingly unattractive to the viewing public.

Brandon Brooks[/quote]
I'll give you Fortune Hunter might be hard, but is Temptation hard?

Here's a very good question...

Do you think TPIR would have lasted this long if they played the same 6 games every show? (with or without rotating them) [/quote]
 I'm gonna say a) no. and b) the show wouldn't have worked anyhow. Plinko, for one, would have lost all suspense - that roar that you hear from the audience when Johnny/Rod/Burton/Randy says that you're going to play for $50,000 would be ruined if you knew exactly when it was going to happen every show.

On the other hand, it would give me time to switch to something else for a few minutes if I knew when Any Number was going to be played :-)


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Easy shows that lasted a long time....
« Reply #32 on: December 15, 2003, 03:56:51 PM »
[quote name=\'tommycharles\' date=\'Dec 15 2003, 03:47 PM\']Plinko, for one, would have lost all suspense - that roar that you hear from the audience when Johnny/Rod/Burton/Randy says that you're going to play for $50,000 would be ruined if you knew exactly when it was going to happen every show.[/quote]
You forgot Paul Boland.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2003, 03:56:59 PM by cmjb13 »
Enjoy lots and lots of backstage TPIR photos and other fun stuff here. And yes, I did park in Syd Vinnedge's parking spot at CBS

Robert Hutchinson

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Easy shows that lasted a long time....
« Reply #33 on: December 16, 2003, 03:02:49 AM »
[quote name=\'cmjb13\' date=\'Dec 15 2003, 03:56 PM\']You forgot Paul Boland.[/quote]
An unexpected flash of civility is keeping me from posting the appropriate reply to this. :)
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Easy shows that lasted a long time....
« Reply #34 on: December 16, 2003, 09:18:35 AM »
[quote name=\'Robert Hutchinson\' date=\'Dec 16 2003, 03:02 AM\'] [quote name=\'cmjb13\' date=\'Dec 15 2003, 03:56 PM\']You forgot Paul Boland.[/quote]
An unexpected flash of civility is keeping me from posting the appropriate reply to this. :) [/quote]
 Heck, he forgot Gene WOod, Bob Hilton, and Rich Jeffreys(and Daniel ROsen, the Vegas TPIR live announcer, who has IIRC announced some shows that will air next month)

Jimmy Owen

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Easy shows that lasted a long time....
« Reply #35 on: December 16, 2003, 09:31:47 AM »
How long did "Complicadismo" last on Mexican TV?  There was a clip of it on the '84 Carl Reiner special where players had to pick up marbles while wearing boxing gloves.
Let's Make a Deal was the first show to air on Buzzr. 6/1/15 8PM.


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Easy shows that lasted a long time....
« Reply #36 on: December 16, 2003, 11:40:04 AM »
[quote name=\'zachhoran\' date=\'Dec 16 2003, 07:18 AM\'] Heck, he forgot Gene WOod, Bob Hilton, and Rich Jeffreys(and Daniel ROsen, the Vegas TPIR live announcer, who has IIRC announced some shows that will air next month) [/quote]
 Zach, the question you need to ask yourself is: did he truly forget, or does it just not matter that much?
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Easy shows that lasted a long time....
« Reply #37 on: December 16, 2003, 02:57:28 PM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' date=\'Dec 16 2003, 11:40 AM\'] [quote name=\'zachhoran\' date=\'Dec 16 2003, 07:18 AM\'] Heck, he forgot Gene WOod, Bob Hilton, and Rich Jeffreys(and Daniel ROsen, the Vegas TPIR live announcer, who has IIRC announced some shows that will air next month) [/quote]
Zach, the question you need to ask yourself is: did he truly forget, or does it just not matter that much? [/quote]
 It's odd that not one of the responses to my post add to or offer opinion on the original question of whether TPiR would still be running today if it had the same games each day.


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Easy shows that lasted a long time....
« Reply #38 on: December 16, 2003, 05:32:37 PM »
[quote name=\'Brandon Brooks\' date=\'Dec 13 2003, 01:11 AM\'][quote name=\'starcade\' date=\'Dec 12 2003, 06:14 PM\'] I think the easy show that has lasted a long time is easy...

TPiR [/quote]
You see, TPIR isn't really all that easy, which makes me wonder why it has lasted so long, at least in its current iteration.  It ain't just guess the price; it's a lot more.  I mean, it isn't rocket science, but all those mini games, some with complicated rules, like Temptation, Fortune hunter, etc. makes it seemingly unattractive to the viewing public.[/quote]
It's the central concept that's easy to grasp--tell us how much this costs and you could win it or something else better.  Some of the individual pricing games may be more complicated, but they all come around to the same basic concept, even if it's indirect.

Robert Hutchinson

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Easy shows that lasted a long time....
« Reply #39 on: December 17, 2003, 01:01:47 AM »
[quote name=\'tommycharles\' date=\'Dec 16 2003, 02:57 PM\']It's odd that not one of the responses to my post add to or offer opinion on the original question of whether TPiR would still be running today if it had the same games each day.[/quote]
1) That wasn't the original question.

2) This is a lightly moderated Internet discussion--it's not odd at all that the topic took a left turn.

3) No, it probably wouldn't still be running today, but since the idea from the very beginning was to rotate the pricing games and create new ones as time went on, I don't know that it's a very probing question. It's like asking whether Jeopardy! would be around today if it was a Q-and-A game rather than an A-and-Q game.
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Easy shows that lasted a long time....
« Reply #40 on: December 19, 2003, 03:02:48 AM »
You see, TPIR isn't really all that easy, which makes me wonder why it has lasted so long, at least in its current iteration. It ain't just guess the price; it's a lot more. I mean, it isn't rocket science, but all those mini games, some with complicated rules, like Temptation, Fortune hunter, etc. makes it seemingly unattractive to the viewing public

TPIR as a whole is complicated, but if you think of the show as a series of separate, very short game shows they're each simple and easy to understand (or they get cancelled... um, retired).
"If you ask me to repeat this I'm gonna punch you right in the nose" -- Geoff Edwards, Play the Percentages


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Easy shows that lasted a long time....
« Reply #41 on: December 19, 2003, 12:57:44 PM »
[quote name=\'Ian Wallis\' date=\'Dec 12 2003, 08:58 AM\']
What, in your opinion, was the game show with the simplest rules that ran a long time?

Simple rules with long runs:  "Wheel of Fortune", "Password", "Match Game", "Family Feud" and even "Newlywed Game" all come to mind.

And on the flip side...What was one game show that you would attribute its short life to hard-to-understand rules?

I'd have to agree with "Whew".  Although I understood it perfectly, it would probably take the "average" viewer a while to figure it out.  Still, it had a nice run of just over a year, so it was on for a while.  (It's still my hope that we'll see this whole run again eventually -- I wonder if GSN would ever consider picking this one up?)

A couple of others that come to mind that would probably confuse the "average" veiwer:  "Blankety Blanks" (because it was never clear who's turn it was going to be until Bill picked the next card); and "Winning Streak". [/quote]
I'd have to agree with "Whew".  Although I understood it perfectly, it would probably take the "average" viewer a while to figure it out. 

So you are essentially saying that Whew never caught on because the "Average" viewer was too "stupid" to understand the game?

Or mabye it was canceled because it just was'nt entertaining enough to keep an audience.

Still, it had a nice run of just over a year, so it was on for a while.  (It's still my hope that we'll see this whole run again eventually -- I wonder if GSN would ever consider picking this one up?)

Why would GSN buy a game show which almost no one outside of this group would remember and was a FAILURE to begin with?


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Easy shows that lasted a long time....
« Reply #42 on: December 19, 2003, 02:16:23 PM »
Why would GSN buy a game show which almost no one outside of this group would remember and was a FAILURE to begin with?

Failure, huh?  I can think of many, many shows that had a shorter run than Whew! did.  Of course, since I haven't seen a celebrity episode of Whew!, you probably think my opinion of this show is invalid as well.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2003, 02:16:38 PM by Dsmith »
Phil 4:13


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Easy shows that lasted a long time....
« Reply #43 on: December 19, 2003, 04:11:31 PM »
[quote name=\'Dsmith\' date=\'Dec 19 2003, 12:16 PM\'] Failure, huh?  I can think of many, many shows that had a shorter run than Whew! did.  Of course, since I haven't seen a celebrity episode of Whew!, you probably think my opinion of this show is invalid as well. [/quote]
 Whoa, there, cowboy. No need to bring the Great Bullseye War into this. :)

That said, Rhudson's comment is of course moronic. GSN has aired PLENTY of shows that lasted their 13 weeks and died a quiet death. (Go comes to mind, and yet I'd love to see that again.) Trivia Trap wasn't exactly a raging success. Heck, what did we say, something like "Make The Connection" has a total of 12 episodes, period? Does that get a free pass just because it's old? Not hardly.

I'm not suggesting GSN overpay for it just to placate the diehards (because we know that will never happen), but if Sugarman screws up his football picks one week and needs to pay a large amount of money to a bookie or something, and the price is right (and I mean REALLY right), they could do much worse.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Easy shows that lasted a long time....
« Reply #44 on: December 19, 2003, 06:15:08 PM »
Why would GSN buy a game show which almost no one outside of this group would remember and was a FAILURE to begin with?

BtB '76, Diamond Head, the original Chain Reaction, Pass the Buck, and Hot Potato, had shorter runs, yet GSN aired all of those...either way, however, I doubt they'll be willing to meet the obscene $$$ amounts Burt Sugarman wants in exchange.

Chuck Donegan (The Illustrious "Chuckie Baby")