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Author Topic: ** $25,000 Pyramid Powerpoint Presentation Now Available for Down  (Read 13812 times)


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Hi everyone!  

A couple of months ago, I posted a video of my $25,000 Pyramid Powerpoint game control while it was a work in progress.  After a long hiatus due to personal issues, I have finally found time to finish it.

So I present to you Version 1.0 of the $25,000 Pyramid PowerPoint game control.  No game content is provided - so you will have to use your home game to supply the words and categories for each game.   Just download and unzip the file and follow the directions - all of the controls are easy to use.  Just move the pointer and click on the boxes to advance the trilons.

You can find the game here:
$25,000 Pyramid Presentation

And you can watch the demo video of the game control in operation here:
$25,000 Pyramid Presentation Demo Video

Please let me know what you think.  Hope all of you enjoy it!

Mike Tumbarello


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** $25,000 Pyramid Powerpoint Presentation Now Available for Down
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2009, 09:21:18 PM »
Hi -

Just wanted to know if anyone has had a chance to download the presentation, and if so, is everything working ok?

I tested the presentation before I posted it and everything seemed to be working fine - but you never know.

Thanks very much,
Mike Tumbarello


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** $25,000 Pyramid Powerpoint Presentation Now Available for Down
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2009, 11:28:45 PM »
I have, and it works great. :) You did an awesome job on it!
« Last Edit: May 09, 2009, 11:28:56 PM by Allstar87 »


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** $25,000 Pyramid Powerpoint Presentation Now Available for Down
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2009, 09:06:27 PM »
[quote name=\'Allstar87\' post=\'215320\' date=\'May 9 2009, 11:28 PM\']I have, and it works great. :) You did an awesome job on it![/quote]
Great, I hope you enjoy it!  

Thanks for the compliment!
Mike Tumbarello


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** $25,000 Pyramid Powerpoint Presentation Now Available for Down
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2009, 05:56:13 PM »
Hi everyone,

I haven't been getting many comments on the PowerPoint control - only one so far :(    But thanks for your comment!!  Sorry to be a pain, but I could use any comments you guys can offer so I can improve the game control in a later release.  

Also - since this is my fist time releasing any software, your comments can help me judge if all of you would be interested in other game control presentations... (i.e. it's not just Password - it's the Password Plus PowerPoint Game Control)?

Thanks again and sorry for the pleading for comments thing.

Take it easy,
Mike Tumbarello


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** $25,000 Pyramid Powerpoint Presentation Now Available for Down
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2009, 07:55:05 PM »
[quote name=\'stutzunoon\' post=\'215285\' date=\'May 9 2009, 03:42 PM\']Please let me know what you think.  Hope all of you enjoy it![/quote]

Mike...as someone who has worked pretty extensively with PowerPoint, I am beyond impressed with what you've done here. I've done many set fascimiles in PowerPoint, but I would never have even thought of attempting the "light crawl" animation. I'm looking forward to examining the file to see how you did this. I can't imagine how much time and effort that probably took. If I can't figure it out, would you be willing to share your secret? :)

I have not had the time to play through the game yet, but I did look it over briefly and visually, it's stunning...especially considering the platform you used to create it. Once I have more time to play it through, I'll be happy to post additional comments.

Good work...and thanks for sharing it. I remember watching the preview video you posted quite some time ago and anticipating seeing the real thing. It was well worth the wait. KUDOS.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2009, 07:56:14 PM by ITSBRY »


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** $25,000 Pyramid Powerpoint Presentation Now Available for Down
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2009, 09:10:01 AM »
You sir, in the words of Sir Lemon, win one intarwebs. This is fantastic and really shows what you can do with Powerpoint. This would look great on a big projected screen.

My only very minor criticism is that the fonts don't quite match up with the original show. However, I reckon it's very hard to find the exact fonts they use on the $25K graphic and in the trilons.

I'll be showing this to a few people at work today. We might just have to have a Pyramid party.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2009, 09:12:38 AM by mitchgroff »


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** $25,000 Pyramid Powerpoint Presentation Now Available for Down
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2009, 12:03:56 PM »
[quote name=\'mitchgroff\' post=\'215479\' date=\'May 12 2009, 09:10 AM\']You sir, in the words of Sir Lemon, win one intarwebs. This is fantastic and really shows what you can do with Powerpoint. This would look great on a big projected screen.

My only very minor criticism is that the fonts don't quite match up with the original show. However, I reckon it's very hard to find the exact fonts they use on the $25K graphic and in the trilons.

I'll be showing this to a few people at work today. We might just have to have a Pyramid party.[/quote]

Thanks very much for the compliment.  I know what you mean about the fonts.  But my thought behind this game control was to answer the question "What would it look like if they decided to retain the entire set with some very minor updates?" - maybe the people at Fremantle and Sony will take a few cues from this one should they go ahead with the revival... :)
« Last Edit: May 12, 2009, 01:55:22 PM by stutzunoon »


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** $25,000 Pyramid Powerpoint Presentation Now Available for Down
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2011, 12:45:50 PM »
i just stumbled upon this after i was searching for a pyramid game control on google

unfortunately the link doesn't work anymore

does anybody know where i can find it or does someone have it that i can get it from



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** $25,000 Pyramid Powerpoint Presentation Now Available for Down
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2011, 09:41:08 PM »
as Peter Griffin would say...FREAKIN SWEET!

I don't have time to play tonight, but I will have to go to my old computer and download it, unzip it, then port it to my Mac...I have Office for Mac 2004, and it often gives me crap when trying to run a ppt file, but I might be able to do it.  If not there, I may try the mac version.

I'll report on that later in this thread unless someone out there who also hates Windows beats me to it.


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** $25,000 Pyramid Powerpoint Presentation Now Available for Down
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2012, 03:47:46 PM »
Hi Mike,

Is your Pyramid Powerpoint presentation still available somewhere for download?  I would really like to host a game using something like this at my home with my friends.  



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** $25,000 Pyramid Powerpoint Presentation Now Available for Down
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2012, 01:00:32 PM »
I just stumbled across this when looking for a $25,000 Pyramid PPT to use during a very big sales meeting coming up in a few weeks.  Anyone know where this could be had by chance?

Help :)
